

(Note: This blog post is disjointed because it's not finished. Nor do I intend to finish it. Please respect that my work is only half done and so some of the facts and items listed could be wrong. Feel free to correct if you would like! TBH I'm tired of this subject hence why I never finished the blog post. I thought it would be wasteful if I didn't share though)

#puppetgate is a tongue in cheek hashtag that was created in the online backlash against a play. The criticism started when a few vague statements about the premise of the play was released online by the play themselves on their own twitter page.

"All In A Row", is a play that was written by Alex Oates and directed by Dominic Shaw. The cast includes Charlie Brooks, Michael Fox, Simon Lipkin, and Hugh Purves. It will be performed Feb 14th-9 March 2019 in the UK. They do have a website that you may look at but be warned that even the synopsis of the play can be upsetting to those of us on the spectrum.  Website Link

Adding a photo so you can see what I am talking about. I do not own this photo but using under fair use. 
All the characters of the play are human except for the 'severely' autistic child depicted as a grey puppet named Laurence who is non-verbal and has shocking behavior. The play replied to some twitter messages stating that the color design and choice for the puppet were intentional and necessary for the aesthetics of the show. (Small note many Autistics prefer to avoid functioning labels as most perceive them as harmful. It is considered the better practice to outline the amount of support someone needs rather than slap a generalized label upon a human.)

When questioned about the outline of the plot and choice to represent autism in this manner they had many statements. Too many to list here so I highly encourage you to look at some of their responses to people via their twitter. All In A Row Twitter Link You will have to dig, however.

Basically, concerned peopled wondered if they play was going to perpetuate stereotypes and why a grey puppet exactly.

Some people wondered if they actually consulted with any autistics to make sure the accuracy of the play is correct and fair. All in a row did respond to some of those concerns as well stating that Alex (the playwriter) had a "10+ years a carer..." and that he did consult with " a number of autistic friends and family, as well as the parents of autistic children who he had previously worked with a carer. He wanted to understand the perspective from both sides" They said that they "estimate between 40
and 50 autistic people as well as their parents, have been consulted.

Interestingly, the National Autistic Society of the UK criticized the play. They were given the script to review and they suggested two changes. Then they made a choice to not support the play publicly based on the play's deciding to use a puppet to portray autism.

I have not seen the play nor have I read a full script. According to "All In A Row" the main story is about the parents of Lawrence and their hardships with a broken system. There are many different opinions of this particular concept and what stories should be told and how it should be done especially in the theater.

However, the main root of this controversy is simply to choose to represent a human being as a prop.  Even if the play does come through with its promises for a great revealing narrative the choice to use a grey puppet to present autism it puts a harmful face to the world that is already difficult for both carers and autistics by perpetuating old stereotypes.

The play did respond to this and made statements saying that some of the scenes would not be able to be played by a child or even an actor with autism because it depicts real and shocking moments. Gathering some evidence on what that could mean a few autistics took screen grabs from the play trailer and enlarged bits of the script that could be seen. Others found cached websites and it's possible to see the puppet in a possible restraint situation via photos of their previous puppet design.

Many people could understand this and suggested that the entire cast is played by puppets or perhaps another actor of age with autism qualities play the child. Another suggestion was simply to have the puppeteer play but as his human self.

Instead, the play who did say at one point that they were open to conversation chose to disable comments on their youtube and slowly stopped responding to criticism and has started flooding their twitter with only positive press releases, including some endorsements by controversial figures in the autism world.

Some Autistics have offered to go see the play and review. The play was protested online and in person. In general, it seems both critics of the play and people that are open to it acknowledge a disconnect between the autistic voices and the play.

After the play had come out several #actuallyautistics pointed out via tweet that the play had a Q&A where the started off saying that the online conversation had gotten out of had and that online was not the best place for nuanced discussion. This is insulting to some Autistics considering many of us only use online voices.

When the play finally premiered and reviews started coming in the reviews have not cleared up the controversy but only further split the opinions on the play. Even among autistics, the opinions are varied.

I have my own varied opinion. I want to be open and like people. I want to understand and I'd never want to ignore someone's story. I support caregivers especially those that struggle because the system, government, and society will not help. However, I think it's important to not put blame on the people that they are caring for because it dehumanizes both parties involved.

Currently, I am of the opinion that the portrayal of a grey puppet with high support needs is inappropriate. That being said I'm open to changing my mind! I'd like to understand and would prefer to embrace people. I hope that as the story unfolds it becomes clear and why they've chosen some of these things. Some people think that maybe it was good but slightly misguided.

All In A Row Is Ablist Website is a great resource for all the controversy.

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