
Autistic Giving Herself A Home Haircut!

Let's sneak around in the middle of the night (again) and do stuff! I'm wide awake. So, if you didn't know... I'm autistic and that makes for some interesting situations sometimes. Like this moment. I was having some serious anxiety about seeing the hairdressers because I didn't want to talk to them. So, chopped at my own hair.

Hopefully, it didn't come out so badly but I'm not sure I could make the hair cut any worse at this point. Everyone wants me to grow my hair out again and I sorta want to as well but right now I've been training for the mud run and the other 5k I wanted to do later this year. It means I get gross and sweaty every single day and having super long hair just isn't practical! Hashimoto's can make my hair very brittle and breakable and if you get your hair wet in this state it means you'll lose a lot of hair :( so to avoid that I've got this short bob. 

Oh :( I broke my glasses btw that's why I'm wearing these old frames. Yes, for the people who didn't know I can talk. I am verbal but I have selective mutism which means sometimes I shut down and can't talk to people. Unfortunately, at this time my selective muteness as really focused on my Youtube videos. I have a hard time talking on here as it gives me so much anxiety. I am working on it. Maybe one day I'll have full talkie videos but for now, I just create these. You might be able to hear me sing or whisper on snapchat or tiktok if you are interested! 

If you want to know more about my autism

 Answering common Q&A

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