
“We did dig by hand, though.” The Strange Disappearance Of Angela Green ( Kansas 2019)

Angela Green, a mother, and homebody went missing in 2019. The circumstances around her disappearance are strange.  This case is a missing person but is being investigated like a homicide. 

The story (Short)

Angela obsessively loved her daughter but gets into an argument with her. The argument was over her daughter's increased independence. Once the fight reaches the top Angela asks her daughter to leave the home for the first time. The last time daughter E.G. sees her mom is when she is backing out of the driveway. Through her tears she watches her mother go back into the house.  

E.G. expected a quick apology from her parents and an invitation to come back home. Instead, three days later E.G. gets a text from G.G. her father. It said that Angela was going to get mental health care but he did not give her details. 

Three weeks later E.G. gets unexpected news from her father who insisted they must meet in person. The news was that her mother had died of a stroke at the hospital. After delivering the news and leaving E.G. to deal with her grief he asks her not to tell the rest of the family. G.G. said he wasn't ready for them to know and he need time. Several months go by and E.G.frustrated by the lack of information is asking her father questions. G.G. never gives her any details about Angela's death nor does he ever tell the maternal family the news. , E.G. reaches out to the family on her own. 

The G. family shocked their loved one had passed away months ago asks for proof. The family learned that no death certificate existed even after a nationwide search. The family called in a welfare check on Angela and when the police arrived a new story emerged. According to G.G. Angela wasn't dead but alive and went out for the night. Over time his stories started to change about what happened to his wife. Police said they found the inconsistencies concerning and investigate the case. They've said they are treating it as a homicide even if classified as a missing person. 

The Story Timeline And Details

June 19th, 2019 (Wednesday) 6:00 PM Estimated 

The family home of 7600 block of Tomahawk Road in Prairie Village, Kansas. The weather this day is light rain and cloudy with highs in the '70s and lows in the '60s. Sunrise is at 5:53 Am and sunset is 8:49 Pm. 

E.G. has been home five days from having been studying abroad in Italy and Russia for about a year. E.G. was studying at Kansas University in finances and she was around 18 or 19 years old. There are conflicting sources in her age because she excelled in school and was ahead. I believe her correct age was 18 years old. 

Angela had been anxious to have her daughter back home and had wanted her to stay home for the summer. According to E.G., her mother was having trouble coping with her becoming more independent. First a ford fusion in April 2019 "her own car at home." in E.G.'s words. Then her first boyfriend Z.K. of Fairway. Then this trip abroad where her mother wasn't able to be a part of her daily life. 

It is unclear when Angela started her hoarding tendencies but she had collected during E.G.'s absence. Also, she lost a drastic amount of weight, become even more anxious, and did not sleep. 

Angela might have had undiagnosed mental health disorders. The family hints at her hoarding tendencies and possible bipolar personality. Angela seemed controlling of her daughter and may have tried living vicariously. Angela knew she was reactive disproportionately. Angela told her daughter she felt like she was unraveling. This statement was days before the argument occurred. 

Many sources like to boil the argument that night into a simple mother-daughter fight. The argument lasted hours. It included the father as well. Had some violent explosions like Angela throwing flowers at her daughter. The daughter couldn't follow why her mother was so angry and lastly, E.G. being kicked out was unusual. 

Around 6:00 PM E.G. gets off work from the Union Station in Kansas City, Missouri. Then she drives and picks up her father from his work at the courthouse and drives home. They were on time and neither early nor late, and this was typical and normal for them. The argument started around 6:30 PM. Angela was unhappy with E.G. growing up and flexing her independence. Telling E.G. that she needed to be more productive and she didn't like her new blouse. Angela also wasn't happy with E.G.'s friends. E.G. said she could usually predict how the arguments would go and what caused her mother's anger. This night she couldn't follow her mother's train of thought. 

According to E.G. the argument lasted hours and felt like a roller-coaster that slowed down but only went up. 

G.G. had attempted to calm his wife down during one of these lulls. The house was small so E.G. heard everything even though she was in her room. G.G. says things to his wife like " You seriously need to stop and think about who you are yelling at." E.G. said her father tried to rationalize for Angela because her mother could not at the moment. 

This is typical and normal behavior for her father and he had made similar attempts in the past. If the attempt failed he would become quiet and withdraw until Angela calmed down on her own. Following the past, G.G. now retreats to another room in the house. G.G. had never become violent with Angela but he did often threaten to take her to psychiatric care.  This night E.G. says that she thinks her father was trying to stand up for her. 

Finally,  the fight culminates in Angela telling her daughter to leave the home. G.G. who was in another part of the home may not have known the events happening at the moment. "I don't even know that he thought I would leave" -E.G. on Profiling Evil Full Interview 

In a later released recorded phone call, E.G. is speaking with her father asking questions. E.G. wanted to know what happened after Angela threw flowers at her and after she left. There was no explanation and neither said why flowers were thrown. It's unclear how much of the fight G.G. had seen and if he knew it was escalating. 

The argument comes to an end after Angela hands E.G. a pillow. Angela says if her daughter didn't need her anymore should find somewhere else to sleep.  Angela may have packed her daughter a small backpack of things. 

E.G. backs out of the driveway and she's sobbing as she watches her mother go back into the house from the garage. This is the last time she sees her mother. Distraught, E.G. goes to the Shawnee Mission East Park to park the car and cry. The fight ends around 8:30 PM. 

E.G. calls her best friend in St. Louis who sends comfort in the form of a power song. Then she contacts her boyfriend Z.K. who goes to her and they walk for a bit. Z.K. knows his grandparents are up late so he takes E.G. there to sleep. 

E.G. was expecting a swift apology and invitation to come home but she did not get this. Instead, a late-night text from her father comes through around 9:00 PM that night. That text was him asking where she was staying. G.G. unlike his daughter had been kicked out by Angela on several occasions. Usually, he went to his brother's house or a hotel. E.G. said this concern from her Dad was normal but it was unusual he wasn't talking about Angela's behaviors. 

E.G. asks her father later during a phone call how Angela was acting after the argument. G.G. said that she was building her nest around her and was unwilling to get help as usual. This had been building for over a year and even with encouragement, she would not go to the doctor. G.G. offered to find her any doctor she wanted and get people to go with her if she wanted.  G.G. also mentioned that her eating habits were not good saying that she was eating handfuls of cheese. 

June 20th, 2019 (Thursday) 8:03 pm 

G.G. texts again to let his daughter know he went to his brother's house. B.G. and Sister-In-Law M.G. They wanted to have her over to talk about Angela. E.G. declines because she did not know if her mother was there or not. E.G. tells him that she has other plans. The paternal family will not confirm or deny the events. They have allegedly stopped talking to E.G.

E.G.'s boyfriend's family the K.'s were under impression that now both E.G. and G.G. had been kicked out of the home. The K. family talk they all decide to open their homes to E.G. to allow her to stay for however long she needed. They said she arrived with a little backpack full of things and that was it. The girl blended right into the family and was a joy.

The K family loves E.G. but assumed the argument she had would resolve quickly. They didn't want to step on the G family's toes by bringing E.G. into their family fold. They attempt to reach out to G.G. but he doesn't want to talk and never asks for details about his daughter. The K's find this strange. 

June 23rd, 2019 (Sunday) 

This day E.G. receives a text from her father and it is unclear who texted whom first.

"M is getting mental health care and I am at home beginning to organize. Come by anytime. Front doo is open." - Profiling Evil "Where's Angela Green?"

Later at 6:26 PM another text from G.G. saying they needed help going through Angela's things and getting rid of stuff. 

The texts don't raise alarm for E.G. because it wasn't unusual for her father to want Angela to get mental health. The only unusual part was that he was following through.  

Allegedly, G.G. was speaking with the facility and talking with the insurance company this day. 

6:48 PM and 7:15 PM more text messages.

"We met the mental health people in the store parking lot and it was a struggle. Better than trying to pry her out of the house. And she always looks good going out so she did not have the embarrassment of house clothes or untidy house."

The next message said

"Oh, don't let anyone know about mom. Including the [Redacted Maternal Family Name] until I know more about her condition."

E.G. asks her father in a phone call about these particular stories. 

"I didn't want you to think she had run off with some stranger to do something and umm I thought it would be ughh." "The truth is that she kinda disappeared" 

Angela did not leave the house without looking nice and taking her personal items with her like a purse. These items were all left at home. 

G.G. is also not able to provide information on which store parking lot this exchange took place in. Sometimes he would say Price Chopper, Aldi, or just the store near their home.  No information on the health facility either was given. Texts from E.G. asking where her mother is being left unanswered. 

E.G. goes to ask her father in person where her mother's hospital was. The only info he gives is that it's "Down South". E.G. assumed when he meant down south in Johnson County but now realizes he could have meant anything by that. There are no connections anywhere south that E.G. knows of except in Florida State. The paternal family lives in Overland Park and that area is also considered south. 

Requests to visit Angela were ignored. E.G. even has her boyfriend's mother S.K. ask on her behalf and this is ignored. G.G. said he did not want anyone to know about her condition or visit until she was better. G.G. had allegedly visited and Angela was violent with him and not following her treatment plans. 

"Dad said Mom is gone, the door is open, you're welcome to stay here," E.G. said I had an eerie feeling about the house." 

E.G did not return to the family home to spend the night again as being at home gave her a lot of anxiety. E.G. became mildly alarmed when her father suggested putting up pictures of Angela. G.G. wanted to remember the good times with her. 

E.G. had been sharing all her news with the K. family. They were curious and E.G. fills them in on her personal history.  Angela's behaviors became stronger the closer E.G. got to high school. Things like hoarding and trying to make it so there wasn't a place to sit in the home. Angela would share her daughter's bedroom as well. A.K. said that even with some of these behaviors it was obvious that E.G. had a strong relationship with her mother. 

The K.'s still found E.G.'s father's behavior at this time strange. G.G. never asked her to go home and didn't try and get her an apartment or place to stay. 

Estimated One Week After Telling E.G. That Her Mother Was Gone

According to the news source, G.G. canceled his cellphone line and took on Angela's number as his own. 

July 4th, 2019 

The neighbors noticed the triangle islands in the neighborhood intersections were not weeded. Angela decorated with American flags but only one shows up in the unweeded triangle. Then it stays up longer than usual. 

During this time frame, E.G. works at Union Station in Kansas City, Missouri, and goes on dates with her boyfriend. 

July 16th, 2019 (Tuesday) 

On the way to play in a frisbee tournament at the local high school in Bluevalley, G.G. texts asking to meet in person. E.G. asks if this was Angela and wants him to call or text instead. The reply was a simple yes and that they needed to meet in person. E.G. agrees to meet late after the game at her boyfriend's house. 

Around 10-11 PM G.G. pulls up to talk with E.G. as her E.G. as her boyfriend retrieves a lamp from the car nearby. G.G. says  Angela Died Of A Stroke" a phrase that later surprised her as he rarely used her name but would say, Mom. Z.K. said he heard E.G. cry out and drop the ground with her head in her hands. Then G.G. comes to tell him the news that Angela had died of a stroke in the mental hospital. 

G.G. then attempts to hug his daughter but she said she did not want to hug. E.G. said she thought her father was emotional and crying this night. 

E.G. said she crouched in the driveway and went into shock as her world went fuzzy. After her father leaves her boyfriend gets her inside and she collapsed on the couch sobbing. The K. family comforts young E.G. through the night. 

E.G. later points out that her father didn't get any details and thought it was weird he was too busy at work to listen to them. During regular family phone calls, G.G. would excuse himself to talk. 

This event made the K.'s pull E.G. closer into the family and they tried to get answers for her.  They invite G.G. over for dinner or going out to lunch for the next day and this would be their first face-to-face meeting. 

July 17, 2019 (Wednesday) 

The lunch with the K. family is accepted but awkward. The food served was E.G.'s comfort of the time some grilled cheese and tomato soup. The K family was ready for a somber lunch and wanted to comfort G.G. about Angela. G.G. brushed away any conversations about Angela and gave limited information. 

A.K. said in his experience most people going through the loss of a loved one want to talk about their loved one.  G.G. instead preferred to talk about his life in China, job, and work. The family described G.G. as a shy man of few words. 

There was no autopsy, no funeral plans, no obituary,  no examination, or explanations. The K's tried to press how important these things would be for E.G. 

The meeting ends with G.G. giving his daughter one hug and him leaving. 

“We tried to be really respectful because we didn’t know him, we didn’t know how he grieved, and we didn’t want to step on anybody’s toes,”  - K Family 

E.G. assumes her father would tell the rest of the family what happened when he was ready. G.G. states that he was very emotional and busy. Months go by and even though E.G. prompts him every couple of weeks to tell the family he never does. 

This is also the reason he gave on why there was no funeral and obituary. G.G. does tell the K.'s that he wanted to write an obituary and look at the medical records but he never followed through. E.G. did not press her father because she wanted to respect him. Also, she herself was not ready.

G.G. now attends the K family events such as barbecues and holidays.  The K's tried to get info out of him but he divulged nothing.

The maternal family the G.'s did start to notice an absence in phone calls and communications. They were not worried until closer to fall when a family marriage was getting closer. 

This time was very hard on E.G. who had never experienced a loss in the family before. E.G. hadn't even attended a funeral before. This was her worst nightmare come true. Grief, denial, anxiety, and depression followed for about two blurry months. E.G. lived with the K's and took anxiety medications and dealt with lack of sleep. 

E.G. met with her father every other week for a simple meal. E.G. began to pelt her father with non-stop questions until he deflected and shut down. At first, E.G. assumed this was how he dealt with death. 

 Authorization for cremation supposedly took place during this timeframe. Ashes had allegedly been delivered to the family home by a white male in his forties. G.G. did not have proof of this event taking place including no proof of ashes. G.G. did go online and buy an urn. The ashes deliver cost about 1,5000-1,8000 in cash upfront. The only evidence of the events is that the police confirmed an urn purchased online and that was it. G.G. had texted a photo of the urn at one point and it's a dark red marbled urn with a silver rim. There were cobwebs attached to it. It appears to be the type you can order via amazon. 

E.G. said her father handing over a large sum of money like that without questions was unusual. It was his character to be particular over money matters.

Questions about the mortuary and cremation are ignored. 

September 2019

G.G. asked his daughter to forge an insurance policy. E.G.'s signature could pass as her mother's. At the time he had told his daughter the document was a retirement benefits package. This document is now in police custody. 

November 2019  

G.G. tells someone from his side of the family that Angela has died at home. E.G. was unaware of him telling his family this until December 2020. After hearing the big news this family member travels to visit them. 

December 10th, 2019

A new property was purchased in another part of the state only one hour west of the family home. This property was supposed to have been given to E.G. and her friends as a place to stay. It is unclear if E.G. takes G.G. up on the offer but either way, a lot of construction happens at this home.

December 2019 

G.G. showers his daughter with gifts, shopping, and anything she wanted. This and the house E.G. thinks was a distraction to keep her busy as G.G. would press her for paint color and tile choices. G.G. would also use the home as a way to avoid any difficult questions about Angela. 

The first Christmas without Angela is sad and lifeless. Angela was usually the one to make Christmas come alive and she would go all out. They went to the paternal family for Christmas but nobody mentions Angela. E.G. stopped asking questions during the Christmas season. G.G. always looked like he was on the verge of tears. G.G. didn't want to talk about Angela at all and that was unusual because they used to talk about her a lot. 

During this time frame, G.G. was supporting his daughter with money. E.G. also used her earned scholarships. 

January 2020 (A few weeks before New York becomes Covid-19 Epicenter) 

E.G. feels grounded and wants to find the truth. Determined to get answers she sits down and comes up with a plan. E.G. writes a list of yes and no questions like a lawyer would ask her father. Avoiding anything emotionally charged she leaves the list to have him fill out. G.G. said he would fill the list but he never does. 

February 13th, 2020 

E.G. decides enough time has passed and she was going to reach out to her maternal family herself. E.G. chooses to call her aunt C.G. from New York. It's her first phone call on her own to her aunt and they've not spoken in three years. 

C.G. was watching TV in the living room when her niece calls. C.G. at first is happy because she had not heard from the family in 8 months. The gaps in contact time are not unusual because both sisters lived separate lives. 

 E.G. recalls that this emotional call and she spent a long time crying before choking out "mom died." 

C.G. was in shock and confused why G.G. hadn't called her instead. Then she was trying to get up and prepare to fly out because she hadn't realized the death had happened a month prior. 

 “I looked at the calendar in the kitchen and it was the 13th, so I asked, ‘How could she die on the 16th?’ 

C.G. asks for proof of her sister's death after she talked with her own daughters. One daughter is a lawyer and the other is a doctor. 

C.G. then urges E.G. to find a death certificate. G.G. had claimed there was one at some point but never produced it. 

C.G. after hangs up with E.G. and immediately attempts to call her sister, leaving voicemail and texts. Allegedly G.G. listened to them, clocking every text and call. 

February 14th, 2020 

E.G. skips her college classes and drives to Topeka Kansas's Vital Statistics Office. They were not able to find Angela Green in the system. They did a nationwide search and still nothing. The only document on Angela was available and that was her marriage certificate to G.G. “My stomach sank,” E.G. said. “I knew something was very wrong.” 

The Homeland Security, Immigration, and Customs Enforcement investigated. They did not find any evidence of her leaving the country. Passport, driver's license, keys, wallet, purse, and money in the bank all left. 

February 15th, 2020

E.G. confronts her father in the kitchen and asks him what state did Angela die in? G.G. tells her it was Kansas and she replies that she knew that wasn't true. At first, G.G. responds in anger and according to E.G. his face contorted saying "Well, how do you know?". Once again E.G. requests a photo of the death certificate but he does not follow through. 

This is the last time E.G. will see her father in person until at least December 2020. E.G. thinks her father had not expected her to be so outspoken. 

Angela's sister C.G. called in a welfare check after the news of the death certificate was not found. 

G.G. tells police that Angela was alive and that she went out with a friend. G.G. may have also said she went out partying and didn't come back. E.G. finds this lie comically grim saying "that is a really bad lie"  G.G. gives no further details. Again E.G. points out that her mother was a homebody and didn't go out. 

"She never left. She never left, honestly even to go to the grocery store she would have someone like me or Dad with her. She didn't go out on her own ever." - E.G. 

“He said that she was out partying with friends, and would be back later that night,  My mom never drank, never smoked. Never went to a party.” - E.G.

Police called E.G. later to ask her where her mother was and she tells them that her father told her that her mother died. 

February 18th, 2020 

 E.G. files a missing person at the police department. G.G. called while she was there with detectives she put him on speaker and recorded the conversation.   

Phone recording One Summary - Profiling Evil

E.G. asks her father why he made up the story about the parking lot. G.G. said he didn't want her to think her mother ran off / disappeared. G.G. insists he didn't hurt Angela and that he wanted to get her mental health help but also didn't contact any doctors. 

February 2020 (Estimated)

The Police Arrive at the home again after the welfare check to ask G.G. more questions. G.G. allegedly changed the story from she'll be back later the previous night to she'll be back this weekend. 

February 2020 (Estimated)

The police arrive again and G.G. answers the door. Handing them a criminal defense attorney card then refuses to speak any further. 

February 25, 2020

The police ask for help for the case hopeful for tips. 

After February 2020 (Estimated) 

G.G.'s cellphone records had been investigated by police. There was no useful information found. E.G. said her father often left his cell phone at home anyway. G.G.'s co-workers had nothing to say. One person mentioning that G.G. said he would be gone for a few days because his in-laws were in town. Except, Angel's parents had not visited the USA since the 2000's and Angela's father is deceased.

LE checked traffic cameras and surveillance but since there was a gap in time from 2019 till now the data is gone. The large payment for the cremation turned out to be a lie and is untraceable. The LE was able to confirm that G.G. purchased an urn online himself. 

- Finding Angela Green Facebook Page Ran by Angela's family. This information is not backed by official LE statements. 

You can listen to some of the phone calls and read the transcripts online. Profiling Evil has the best choice as does fox4news. 

February 4th, 2020 Phone Transcript Summary 

G.G. is doing taxes and states he feels as crappy as E.G. is feeling. G.G. sticks to his story that Angela disappeared and he thought she was dead because of the info he had. When pressed for why he can't give details he says he was busy. Allegedly G.G. was going through Angela's stuff and getting rid of things and had E.G. get rid of things as well. E.G. points out there are no Amtrak records and no airplane records. E.G. states that her mother was obsessed with her and wouldn't disappear. G.G. replies "Not towards the end." Later in the conversation turns to E.G. pleading for G.G. to help with the investigations and G.G. is defensive.

February 5th, 2020 Phone Transcript Summary 

G.G.  might choose to do single on his taxes out of four possible options according to him. G.G. claims he's not watching the news about the case. G.G. says he is not surprised by the case progression. G.G. states he did expect little differences in his story and his daughters. G.G. said he talked to [two redacted people] and their story was slightly different. 

G.G. denies that he told police that Angela was out partying. G.G. says he only said she wasn't here and not with friends just not here. G.G. now says nothing pointed to her being dead and all he had was a phone call to go on at the time. G.G. claims he did nothing to get a death certificate because he assumed the facility and funeral home would do it.  Then he states he won't do anything about the death certificate unless he needs one. E.G. points out you need a certificate to get a legal cremation in Kansas and that he told her he got Angela's ashes back. At this point, G.G. says there has to be a death certificate somewhere but he didn't need it so he doesn't have it. E.G. encourages her father to tell the police everything and G.G. claims he did. G.G. claims surprise that there was no death certificate. Then says this is the reason why he told the police Angela was gone not dead. E.G. implies that if her mother had mental health issues it was wrong of her father to not check up on her. G.G. responds with 

"What should I do? Lock her up somewhere?"


Is that what you did?


No. That's not what I did. But that's the way you're talking about it."

Phone Recording Three - Profiling Evil

G.G. talks about how he was waiting for information about where to go to visit Angela. Then he got a phone call that she passed away. Then funeral things. It was in a crazy time so he went with cremation. 

Phone Recording Four - Profiling Evil

G.G. says he got a call that they were going by the house to pick up money for the cremation. Then drop off the ashes and he had to get an urn. This was all done back in July. 

Phone Recording Five - Profiling Evil

G.G. doesn't know who came by for the cremation and gave a physical description of a male about 45 with dark hair. He also states he didn't check the urn for ashes until the past weekend and he says there were no ashes in it. The urn was in the family home on a shelf. 

Phone Recording Six - Profiling Evil

E.G. asks why didn't her father go to the police in this call. G.G. said he cared about Angela but cites that she is an adult and cares for herself. G.G. claims surprise at there being no death certificate again. G.G. is told he would need a death certificate to cremate. Why didn't he ask questions? G.G. says he paid in cash, everything was by phone and he was mourning her death. 

E.G. asks when did he start grieving for her. G.G. says the day I found out she wasn't alive and she asks what day do you think is? G.G. says the middle of July and E.G. says you told me the 16th and G.G. said I told you the same day.

E.G. asks why didn't you get more information and G.G. says I was shocked. E.G. again asks where's the urn on top of the dining china cabinet thing? E.G. says I'd like to see that but G.G. just says "yup".

The Vanished Podcast PT 2 Angela Green 

E.G. is talking with her father on the phone again. They talk about the possibility of Angela coming home again while G.G. was at work. Angela does not know the passcode to the garage. Angela had a key to the home. 

G.G. mentions some things being out-of-place at home after returning home from work. G.G. implies that Angela has no problem leaving the house.  G.G. said that in September he had seen someone walking from the home to the tree outside. G.G. said there were a few things like extra dirt in the house and some drawers opened. G.G. said he didn't think much of it until he realized there wasn't a death certificate. 

Phone Recording Two From Profileingg Evil

 G.G. says he got a call at work Angela was going to the hospital to get checked out. Then a call that she was being evaluated and that he couldn't visit. Then he made time for the following weekend to visit but not in stone. G.G. couldn't tell her what hospital, which doctor, or any info citing it was busy at work. 

March 8th, 2020 Phone Transcript Summary

E.G. pleads with her father for information and emotional support. G.G. gives her none and takes the conversation in circles.  "I don't know, you keep coming up with, with talking to these people, hiring those people, going here, doing this, and I tell you that she left and I'm not happy about that. And she's an adult and if she's decided to leave and find she can leave, she comes back. We'll talk about her coming back, but I don't want her back the way she was." 

On This day Sherae Honeycutt from fox4 news posts on her personal blog. Honeycutt, talks with Angela's niece M.G. who said five different stories were told by G.G. 

March 11th, 2020, Wednesday Morning 7:00 AM

The neighbors now learn of the situation officially. They had noticed Angela's absence from the unkempt yards. Some said they texted E.G. for news and some thought Angela had returned to China. These neighbors may have also called in a welfare check but it's unclear what the timeframe for this was.  

The police issued two search warrants both in connection to G.G. A search is made at the family home on Tomahawk Rd. and storage property in Olathe on N. Woodland and Northgate. (The Marionix Marble And Granite where G.G. had kept vintage cars.) The third property in Lawrence was omitted from the warrants. A judge ruled that there was a big-time gap between the disappearance and the home purchase. This home gets searched in December. 

The Olathe property was broadcasted on the news and you can see a small clip of the grounds. The news reports nothing is found. The property is large with big spaces, a small pond, and some wooded areas. This property was a leased property and several compies used it. Trucking, K&M Services, Marble, and Granites. Truckers said they had their trucks searched. They dove into the waters and used boats. 

 The search included about 70 LE and Cadets from 8 different departments. Crime labs of Johnson County, The JC Medical Examiner's Office, are here. The JC District Attorney's Office and LE from Olathe, Overland, and Leawood are here. 

The police talked to the neighbors around the Olathe property. They told them they were looking for the body of Angela Green. Then said an older man had killed her. The information frightened the neighbors. 

 During the search at the family home, G.G. was taken to the police station. The police said he did not speak a word. Not to use the restroom, not to ask for water, nothing at all and the police said it was very strange. At the family home, a silver SUV was taken out of the garage and towed away for testing. Luminol was placed in the windows and the backyard was dug up under the protection of a tent. It's unclear if cadaver dogs had been brought to the location. The front door was broken. 

After the search warrant was completed G.G. changed the locks out on the home. E.G. could not access the home even with some of her things still being there. During the search, the police broke down the front doors so G.G. had to replace that as well. Around this time G.G. becomes more withdrawn and won't allow E.G. at the home unless he's there as well. 

May 2020

E.G. might be living and working in the home that was purchased for her and her roommates. I had found sources saying that she had intended on never living here. E.G. had taken photos of the property so she had at least interacted with it at some point. In a phone call, her father wanted to pay her friends for the work they did there. 

E.G. takes photos of a suspicious mound of earth at this home. It has a black plastic bag at the sub-ground level. On top were a cement stepping-stone and two of Angela's favorite plants. The plants had been transplanted from the family home. This is talked about on Dr. Phil's show and discussed in recorded phone calls. 

May 2020 Phone Transcript

G.G.'s phone seemed to have not worked for several months and he blames it on a glitchy phone/spam filter. E.G. states she saw some minor changes around the house like her mother's flowers being moved. Then wonders why her father's family has been rude to her. G.G. states he hasn't talked to them in six or eight months. E.G. points out he saw them in February and that soon they'll visit for about a week. E.G. states that this family member told her to let go and forget about it.

G.G. states they've not been out due to social distancing only to the store, home depot. It seems he's been renovating the home especially the outdoors. It's a little unclear which home this is but it might be the Lawrence home. E.G. asks him what plumbing he was having done and which house it was being done at and he states the Lawrence house.

E.G. wants to talk about happy times about her mother and G.G. says eventually they will. G.G. states he thinks about her a lot and a little and with the flowers coming in he thinks about her often. G.G. is landscaping a bit between the different homes but also says everything looks the same.

E.G. asks why did G.G. have her sign her mother's name on a beneficiary document in September. G.G. said he didn't remember but was trying to keep E.G. in beneficiaries if something happened to him. E.G. called him out on it saying "I'm basically the bullet shield for you." and that's where G.G. ended the call. 

June 2020 

E.G. prompts her father to look for her mother's black purse and tan wallet and check for notes for her. E.G. says I made her things and wrote her things and she would take them with her when she went driving. G.G. says he hasn't gone through everything. During this phone call, E.G. attempts to receive comfort from her father and is quickly redirected. 

Estimated between March and July 2020 

E.G. finally goes public about the situation with a removed Instagram post. The post has now been re-instated. It was a photo of her mother holding an infant E.G. and a long caption explaining what happened. 

July 27th, 2020 

E.G.  goes to the news and pleads for leads and tips. The police also ask for help. E.G. is talking with the public media more and her paternal family withdraws more. E.G. takes this hard because it felt like losing more family members. E.G. was interviewed by police about the timeline many times now. 

Oct. 30th, 2020 

Fox4 releases texts and recorded phone calls. It helps document the many stories the G.G. told his daughter.  

Prairie Village police said no new developments have happened. No active leads or tips. They are in the fact-finding stage. The case is dormant but not forgotten. 

These are the links to the transcribed phone calls that fox4kc news put onto their website. 

Transcript One https://fox4kc.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2020/10/Transcript-1-February-4-2020.pdf

Transcript Two https://fox4kc.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2020/10/Transcript-2-March-8-2020.pdf

Transcript Three https://fox4kc.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2020/10/Transcript-3.pdf

Transcript Four https://fox4kc.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2020/10/Transcript-4.pdf

Transcript Five https://fox4kc.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2020/10/Transcript-5.pdf

This day is also the day that the episode "Home Whispers" is featured on Dateline NBC. Episode 11 of Season 29. https://www.nbc.com/dateline/video/hope-whispers/4256756

December 1st, 2020 

Angela's Story is published on Dr.Phil "I want to know where she is; says daughter of missing woman." In it, she outlines that G.G. never refers to Angela as Angela but always as "Mom".  Never before revealed information was made public that Profiling evil had been found. Things about the home and life insurance policy. These tips had been turned into the police and they had permission to share. E.G. collected dirt samples from the Lawrence home and gave them to investigators. They placed the samples in different places and had cadaver dogs search for them. Each time the dogs mark all the samples positive. They turned this tip in as well. 

Angela and E.G. used to watch Dr. Phil together and so this is a bittersweet moment. 

December 22nd, 2020

A search of the Lawrence home happens sometime in December. The search was through the home and backyard. They said credible tips led them to search the property. The police said they did not find anything. 

This home had undergone a lot of construction by G.G. and his brother. According to E.G., they hired a pickup truck with cash and G.G. took off a few days of work. E.G. worries her mother's body could have been moved. 

LE said they questioned coworkers and neighbors but they didn't know anything.

This is a home that had positive's from the soil samples collected by E.G. for the Dr. Phil show. This is what finally allows the judge to sign a warrant for a search. This is also the home with the suspicious mound of dirt. Sergeant Adam Taylor was asked cadaver dogs were brought to search. Instead, the reply was; “We did dig by hand, though.”  

January 2021 

Detective. Sgt. Adam Taylor says Praire Village Police has had 150 leads in the case. 

January 9th - February 1st, 2021

Investigators are waiting on lab results for evidence involved in the disappearance. They are also working with the FBI and the KBI crime labs. They also say G.G. has not aided the investigation at all. Three total warrants have been issued at the time now and over 150 leads tracked. 

April 30th, 2021 

Johnson County District Attorney Steve Howe publicly asks for information to come forward. Legally the case is a missing person but they are treating it as a homicide. 

September 10th, 2021

Go Fund Me is Created with the intent to fund a private investigator for Angela by her family. 

September 17th, 2021

Angela Green's case is going to court as a civil issue by wrongful death suit against her husband. The civil suit could uncover information that would help build a criminal case in the future. 

This is a missing person case #20200390 and it is currently under investigation. G.G. is not a named suspect or person of interest. The police admit his stories are concerning.  The maternal G. family was getting updates on the case once a month. 

Angela Green 

Angela Green has no known aliases but her family sometimes calls her Angie or Mom. At the time she disappeared she was 51 years old. Angela was born in Baoding, HeBei, or Xin He (Just outside of Tianjin) in China. April 15th, 1968 (Estimated) to parents who were professors. Angela's mother is still living in China and her father had passed away sometime after the year 2000. Angela has a sister C.G. who had moved to New York, USA some 10 years earlier to Angela. The two kept a relationship going even as their lives moved apart. C.G. has two daughters one of whom M.G. advocates for her Aunt Angela publicly. One niece is a lawyer and the other is a doctor. Angela vanished sometime after June 19th, 2019. Angela had been a proud American citizen for over twenty years. There were some rumors of her having dual citizenship in China. Angela grew up in China and studied English there as well. Angela was fluent in mandarin but her English was not perfect. 

Angela is Asian and in her American hometown of Prairie Village Kansas, she was in a very small minority. Angela was above average height about 5'7-5'9 and weighed below average at 110-115lbs. Angela had a light to medium skin tone and a slim body build. Angela has dark brown hair worn in a long bob with no middle part. In older photos, she preferred longer styles. Angela's face shape is a heart with a wide smile. Angela is a striking figure. In her photos, she is styled with makeup earrings and perfect clothing. I would describe her style as a beauty queen. 

Allegedly she had been cremated but there is no evidence for this. We do know that being cremated and having her ashes sent back to China was important to her. E.G. said she knew this was something her mother wanted as a cultural gesture.

In China, Angela worked in the insurance industry as well as journalism. Angela had done some newscasts in China. The family said that if she had stayed to pursue her career she would have excelled and had a bright future. 

Angela met her husband G.G. in Beijing China during the late 1990s while she was in her 20's. G.G. was working as a mechanic and car salesman and had learned of Angela through of a friend of her parents. They helped set up a date while he was on a work trip at the Hard Rock Cafe in Beijing. The courtship lasted one year and through the mail. This was Angela's first marriage and she wanted to have a family right away. They had a rushed marriage ceremony moving to Kansas quickly on a K9 Visa and had to be married within 90 days.  Angela was aware that G.G. did not have a lot of money when she married him. 

G.G. had not been honest with Angela about his age and he was 13 years older than her. Then he did not tell her about his earlier family. The ex-wife was surprised by the marriage because he had told no one. 

There were other troubling signs in the marriage but they were subtle. They treated each other as co-workers. They were not affectionate. They even slept in separate rooms.  . Angela had to ask for anything she needed and was conscious of all the money costs. Angela did not have a credit card or her own bank account. Angela cooked all the meals at home. Sister C.G. said that over time Angela only spoke in English on the phone. Often hear G.G. in the background as if he was always listening. 

Angela did not have a job in America and chose to stay home to devote her time to her daughter. This devotion is often described as an obsession that became stronger the older that E.G. become. E.G. said that her mother "gave her life to me" in one interview with Access Hollywood.

Angela was loving with her daughter but then very strict. There were no sleepovers, parties, and dates. Only school, piano, and homework.  Angela expected E.G. to strive for perfection.  No cellphone either until senior year of high school.

They two were close anyway. Described as a bit of a tiger mom who pushed her daughter to be better and better. Angela would take thousands of photos of her daughter mostly posed around her plants. The backyard was a safe place for the both of them and they made many memories there together. E.G. is convinced that if her mom is alive she would reach out. Angela used to handwrite intricate notes for her daughter daily. 

The family did not have a faith or tradition that they followed. 

Angela may have a history of mental health.  There was never any official diagnosis. One moment loving and protecting to E.G. the other aggressive and mean when E.G. would fail at something. Angela had a temper and would sometimes throw things at an argument. The maternal family describes her as temperamental and might not want to talk.

 Angela had a distrust for doctors and had only been to one to deliver her child. Angela did not leave her home without being accompanied by someone. This was usually either G.G. or E.G. and the reason is partly because of the language barrier. 

Angela did not have deep friendships. Neighbors loved her and the work she did around their neighborhood. Angela's ability to look beautiful and put together also made her intimidating. If someone tried to make friends they were redirected. The family home wasn't the type that you could just stop by and playdates had to have G.G. in for approvals. Angela did not use social media, did not text or even carry a phone with her. Sometimes Angela kept the home dark and crowded with items. The darkened windows would spurn neighborhood rumors that she may have been depressed. 

  Angela Green overall was described as a very kind and thoughtful person. A beauty who was reserved and selfless and a smart person. Angela was an avid gardener and took care of her yard and the neighborhood free spaces. Some of her favorite plants were hostas, azaleas, and yuccas. Angela could cook and enjoyed cooking dumplings and spring rolls with her daughter. 

Angela did next-level things like taking on extra projects at her daughter's school. Making other children costumes or bringing lunches for teachers. Sometimes E.G. would be annoyed by her mother's perfection and wish that she could be like this as well.  Angela would make small talk with neighbors. Decorate the area, especially with American flags. Holidays were Angela's specialty and she would make everything perfect. 


E. G. has no known aliases and no known family nicknames. At the time her mother disappeared I believe she was 18 or 19 yrs old. Born around September (Estimated) she was Angela's only daughter. E.G. lived in Prairie Village her whole life. She went to Shawnee Mission schools from kindergarten through senior year.

At the time of her mother's disappearance, E.G. was a freshman or sophomore in college. E.G. studied business honors in finance and data analytics, at KU.  Before this career field, she started in engineering and computer science. Recently, E.G. switched to journalism at Colorado State. The idea was to help people similar to her situation. December 2021 she will have graduated with a degree in journalism. 

E.G. is fluent in mandarin and would converse with her mother in her mother's native language. E.G. can speak four languages in total, Spanish, Russian, English, and mandarin. Sometimes, E.G. had to be the mediator between her father and mother because they didn't speak a common language. E.G. excels in school and was ahead of her college class.

E.G. is caucasian and Asian and of slim build, and fair skin tone. E.G. wears her hair in a long style sometimes parted down the middle. Hair is often dyed blonde, her natural hair is a dark brown like her mother's. E.G. has down brown eyes, and a heart faces shape that is similar to her mother's. E.G. has a striking style and often wears nice clothing and wears accessories. Wearing makeup in a subtle glam style. If I didn't know her I would say she was a beauty queen.

E.G. attended a beauty pageant around August 13, 2021, Northern Colorado's annual Miss Colorado USA and Miss Teen Colorado USA. It was her first-time pageant and she hoped to win to use the platform to put the spotlight on her missing mother. E.G. said her mother wanted her to become a pageant queen. Previously, they didn't have the funds to compete but between donors and other support, E.G. now can. 

E.G.'s personality is described as a thinker, even-tempered,   and sometimes aloof. It's her mother that she thinks of often and she hopes to make her proud by standing up for her and giving her a voice. E.G. is outspoken when she needs to be and willing to ask the harder questions to find the truth. E.G. thinks math and science can explain almost everything. Currently, E.G. is working with Sarah Turney and has started to advocate through TikTok and podcasts.


G. M. G.  has an alias using a different spelling of his name and his family will shorten up his name to a more common pronunciation and spelling. G.G. was born October 31, 1951, in New York City, NY, USA. G.G. has an ex-wife and had a daughter with her. Then one daughter with his wife Angela. Everyone including his daughter E.G. and the police has commented on his love for his daughter. G.G.'s family that are known are the Aunt. M and Uncle B. that would be his brother and sister and law. They had moved to Kansas City five years ago. Angela had even helped them move and carried their furniture. They have refused to help with the case or talk about Angela at all. 

G.G. is caucasian, of slim and tall build, and fair-skinned. G.G. has light grey hair with a balding hairline. G.G. has a large oval-shaped face and large ears.

During the 1990's he worked as a car mechanic and salesman and likes to look back fondly on his time in China. In later years he worked in IT at the federal courthouse in Kansas City Missouri for 20+ years. In December of 2019 or 2020, he retired from this. Co-workers declined to make comments on G.G.

G.G. collects vintage cars and has a special property for them. In google maps, you can see there was nearly always a covered car out front of the home. In later years after his wife's disappearance and through the pandemic G.G. began to get into home renovations and landscaping. 

Even though he spent time in China and his wife was Chinese G.G. does not speak multiple languages. During his wife's disappearance, G.G. has given inconsistent stories and minimal emotions. In one of the stories, he mentions that he thought maybe his wife faked her death to hurt him but gave no supporting evidence. Paul Cramm, is G.G.'s criminal defense lawyer and admitted to representing him but declines to comment.

G.G. Described by his daughter as a skeptical thinker, mellow and more patient than her mother, also putting himself first.   Tight with his money. Good with taxes and paperwork. Never physically violent. Leaves his cellphone at home as a habit. A quiet man of few words. 

G.G. tells his daughter that he realizes he is probably a primary suspect. Then he cautions his daughter against talking to the police. 


Possible Connected Cases And Rule-Outs

Megan Boswell - a similar case that people were mentioning. 

Amber Aiaz and her daughter Melissa Fu

Profiling Evil had partnered with Dr. Phil to help investigate the case and they put together a massive story map. It's invaluable but they also have a missing person and unclaimed bodies that were Asian women since June 19th, 2019 map on their profile is extensive so please check it out. 


Theories And Lose Notes (This section is pure speculation and a collection of thoughts across the internet. In no way does anything here accuse anyone of anything. Please, take this section with a massive tablespoon of salt. ) 

The number one most prevailing theory is that husband G.G. had something to do with the death or disappearance of Angela Green. G.G. himself states that he is aware that the LE would look at him as a suspect because of statistics. However, the inconsistent stories, the criminal defense lawyer, and unwillingness to aid investigators have the public, the family, and even the police concerned.

Possible motivations for G.G. could include; protecting his daughter from his wife's mental illness. Protecting himself from his wife's mental illness. Finally having enough of his wife's mental illness. Covering and protecting his daughter who may have done something. Covering an accidental death from the argument. 

Another theory is that it was actually E.G. who was the one who harmed Angela. Most people don't have any evidence to support the idea but base it off on their dislike of her personality and demeanor. Some think that E.G. didn't work fast enough, or did nothing at all until her maternal family stepped into the picture. I would like to point out the E.G. herself explains on several occasions that her mother was constantly photographing her and sometimes making her retake photos if they were not perfect. This strive for perfection when cameras are on could explain her current demeanor around them. There are other factors as well such as coming from a conservative home, going from privacy to the world knowing everything about you, and mostly experiencing the loss of an important figure in her life. 

Possible motivations for E.G. could include; Snapping under the pressure of her mother's requirement of control and perfection. Perhaps, a dislike for her family and framing her family, and lastly an accident involvement with an argument gone wrong. 

The police did it/corruption theory is the idea that the police were involved or someone in the family had a connection as to have this case ignored and not investigated. 

The World Events theory; when of her disappearance the pandemic was ramped. All eyes were on China and in the midwest, there were currents of racism with people picking up the slogan "Chinese virus" There's the idea that perhaps someone took her out of angry at the current events, or perhaps she was forcefully deported. Homeland security did confirm that no record of her travel existed by plane, train, or bus and she had been a lawful American Citizen for many years. 

Then it was an insane accident theory... the idea that the father well-meaning attempted to get her mental health care but reached out to scam artists instead. 

Angela made a new life theory. That she ran away on purpose after finding out her only daughter didn't need her anymore. This theory is often rebuffed by E.G. saying that she didn't think her mother would not reach out. 

Angela framed G.G. this is similar to she made a new life theory but it adds upon it with him the through Angela went out of her way to frame her husband to hurt him. G.G. himself subscribed to this idea at one point. Also, rebuffed by E.G. who thinks her mother would eventually reach out to her. 

Angela returned to china theory but that is rebuffed by sister C.G. who said that she did not go back to China, because Angela's mother is still in contact with the family in the USA. In addition, the department of homeland security also confirmed there was no record of her traveling by plane, train, or bus. Angela's keys, passport, driver's license was left at her home. 

Angela protected her daughter's theory. Some think that Angela kicking her daughter out had nothing to do with the fight they were having and all to do with the husband wanting to cause harm to both of them. Something thinks that Angela did this act as a way to protect her daughter. 

Angela committed suicide theory. The idea is that after kicking her daughter out of her house she committed suicide and her husband covered up her death to protect his daughter. This circumstantial evidence for this is Angela's lack of mental health care. 

Random note but that red urn looks like it could have been purchased from Amazon as Amazon has similar ones. From the FB page family says that LE found records of G.G. purchasing an urn himself online. 

Profiling Evil said while listening to the conversations between E.G. and her father was constantly reflecting on the conversation. Instead of following a yes-no narrative that E.G. tried to do, he kept going back to a reflection conversation. 

Would E.G. be able to state what clothing items her mother was last wearing? 

How did E.G. know her mother's wishes about cremation and sending back to China? Did they have a conversation about her death before?  

A theory that Angela's body was taken or hidden in construction wastes during G.G.'s construction phase on his properties. 


I've seen a few spiritual comments where they've felt that Angela was near or in water. Some feel that she was buried deep or far. 


“There’s no way with how much she cared for me, and there’s no way that she would just up and leave,” E.G. said. E.G. does not think that her mother is alive anymore and just wants the truth of what happened. 

If you have any tips on this case please contact Prairie Village Police Department at 913-642-6868 or the Crime Stoppers TIPS Hotline at 816-474-8477. I would also like to encourage you to share her story and donate to her the go fund me to hire a private investigator. 
























Dateline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUYf1p7MeRg



























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Downstairs Sources 









Psychics, Mystics, Magical Sources: I will include these when I find them sometimes. Especially, if I feel like a case isn't getting enough attention because any attention is something in my opinion. 


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