
Skull In The Window And Case In Limbo l Linda Sue Sherman '85 St. Louis Missouri

 Linda Sherman then 27 years old and mother to a 9-year-old daughter, vanished on April 22nd, 1985 following an argument with her husband. No trace of her was found minus her car parked at the local airport. Five years later her skull appears on the grounds of a Mexican restaurant. Linda's killer and the rest of her body have never been found. 

This case is a re-write of my previous work and it's been updated with more information and to better fit my personal standards. I'm not the best with grammar and spelling and if you need to correct I am not offended. I also use initials and redactions to offer a thin layer of protection to friends/family involved. I encourage people to take my work if they wish! I would love credit but that's not my goal.  I like to ask that you pretend a family member involved in the cases is going to read whatever you comment. Just a gentle reminder to be sensitive. Lastly, if you like to google cases but are worried about graphic visuals this case is safe. 

Key = Upstairs info means any source that is credible and Downstairs Info is any source that is second-hand. LE = Law Enforcement, POI = Person of Interest

7/10/2020* I noticed Linda did not have a profile on Namus. So, I contacted the regional specialist to see if that was something that could be done. They said after they research it some more they might look into doing that! It is currently 7/15/2021 and I have received no updates nor do I see her in Namus. Feel free to help with this! How will we find her remains if no one knows to look for her? 

The Story

Linda Sue Sherman disappears on April 22nd, 1985 sometime around 6:00 PM. Most of the information we have is based on what Linda's husband says and according to him, Linda came home around 2:00 AM after her work shift. (Depending on the sources the times for the scenario change by a few hours)  Donald Edward Sherman (Known as Don Sherman) said the pair had an argument that lasted until around 4:00 AM and it ended with Linda sleeping on the couch and Don sleeping in their bedroom. 

That day Linda did not wake to take their daughter P.S. to school. P.S. saw Linda laying on the couch with her face to the back. P.S. has said that it was very unusual that her father took her to school and that her mother didn't wake to even say goodbye and in some accounts, P.S. said that her mother wasn't moving. 

With next to few leads her case dwindles until years later on June 28, 1990, when her skull was discovered at a local Mexican restaurant. This also had no leads besides confirming her demise and pointing the investigation in the direction of homicide. 

The Story Expanded / Investigation (Usually I split this into segments and break down what LE has done for the case but it just didn't work out for this case!) 

April, 22nd, 1985 Linda arrives at her home around 2:00 AM from her work shift and engages in an argument with Don until around 4:00 AM where allegedly she sleeps on the couch and he sleeps in their bedroom. Also, according to Don, the argument had been about her affair. This home is a brick house in Vinita Park sometimes described as a five-room bungalow on a dead-end street, 8300 block of Monroe Avenue. According to the weather history, the daytime high would have been around 80 degrees with an unknown low. The weather was cloudy that day. Sunrise and Sunset were at 5:15 AM and 6:46 PM. 

Later that morning P.S. their daughter finds it unusual her mother does not wake nor take her to school. Don takes P.S. to school a chore that he rarely did and went to work. Later that day he returns home around 6:00 PM and according to Don his wife is running late for work and she was angry and antsy. Linda did not phone her older sister F.M. of [Redacted], Missouri and it was their custom to talk on the phone every night. Linda then goes to work around 6:00 PM with no witnesses seeing this event take place. Linda did not report to work and was not seen again. According to Don Sherman, Linda was wearing blue jeans, tennis shoes, a blue jersey emblazed with the number 76. 

Don did not report her missing until one full day later on April 24th and it was at the urging of Linda's family did he do so. Don stated that he waited because this behavior was typical for her and pointed out her overnight bag was gone. Investigators did say they had found evidence of some missing items from the home. The weather on this day would have been mostly cloudy, with some wind and some fair spots. The High was 70 with an unknown low but the average was 50.   

Linda did have a history of leaving and was having a confirmed by LE affair with a man from her work. This boyfriend had an alibi and was cleared from the investigation. This would have also been the day Linda's car would have been marked as parked over 24 hours at the airport. 

Linda's family however were very concerned because while Linda had a history of leaving she had never done so without P.S. Linda did not trust Don Sherman with their daughter as he had made threats to murder the entire family before. Linda's family also knew that Linda had been making plans to secure her independence from Don Sherman. Linda was routing her mail to her sisters and sending her paycheck money there and the family knew she was going to attempt to leave for good and they were aware of Linda's affair. Linda's last paychecks when to her sister's and brother-in-law's house. They kept them unopened for years in a file with all the newspaper clips they could on this case. 

The family began making major search efforts on their own and created flyers with 1,000 dollar rewards for information. 

One lead was found entirely on a hunch by Linda's brother-in-law S.M. and wife F.M. According to S.M. he thought about a story where the victims car appeared at the airport so the pair headed to the local airport in the evening (St. Louis Lambert Airport) to search the cars and there they found Linda's 1971 Volkswagon Beetle parked in short-term parking. No signs of a struggle and the doors were locked. The family said they could see school books and hat in the backseat of the car. The family was afraid her body would be in the trunk so they didn't touch anything and called for help. They called the airport security and they opened the front compartment trunk but nothing was inside. Allegedly, the trunk had been unlocked. The airport tracked the cars parked longer than 24 hours and this one was marked on April 24th. It is at this time LE suspect that Linda might have met with foul play.

The airport had no records of a Linda Sue Sherman that had left on any airplanes. Linda's family points out the possibility of walking back to the Sherman home from the airport. According to google maps, this would have been a one-hour and thirty-minute walk. 

Michael Webb, the Vinita Park Police Cheif becomes the lead investigator for this case. Webb becomes obsessed and dedicated to this case. Starting from the start all over again he interviews everyone that he can. Webb is known to have studied this case in detail up until he died nearly twenty years later on February 4th, 2009. Webb was convinced Don Sherman had been the killer and he wanted justice for Linda and interviewed Don repetitively but no solid evidence ever surfaced even after one of Don't ex-girlfriends allegedly came forward to say that Don confessed to her murdering Linda.  

Family and friends involved in the case slowly began to live their lives as the case went cold. P.S. Did not live with her father but moved in with her maternal grandmother and saw Don Sherman only on the weekends. Don became depressed and began to heavily drink he was legally still married to Linda and he attempted to divorce her on the grounds that she was cheating and abandoned him. However, this was overturned, the judge saying they would wait until Linda was able to consent.

No arrests were made in regards to this case but law enforcement did declare Don Sherman as the sole suspect of the case. 

The Skull

Five years pass and on June, 28th,1990, a skull was found in Bridgeton, MO, and being held by St. Louis County Medical examiner's office. Two TWA flight attendants make the discovery from their table by the window around noon on a hot Thursday. According to historical weather, the high was 94 with a low of around 70 degrees. The weather was mostly cloudy. Sunrise and sunset were 5:40 AM and 8:31 PM. 

The flight attendants chose to have lunch at Casa Gallardo a chain Mexican restaurant. According to an employee of another location, this chain did not use any skull motifs in decorations. In my sources below, you can see this statement is true by an article talking about the closing of the restaurant as it has photos of the inside. This Casa Gallardo is now permanently closed and removed but at the time it was only 7 minutes from the airport the location had been on 12380, St. Charles Rock Road. 

The skull was spotted peeking out from beneath a yucca plant in a rocked landscape strip outside. The skull was positioned with the face at the window on the building's east side. Described as an ocher color with dirt lodged in the teeth and jawbone askew.

12:47 p.m. the manager was called over because the flight attendants assumed it was a prank. The manager pulled the blinds and called the police.  

The scene is described by the then-police chief W.M. “It’s a very well-manicured area. Plants and gravel and what have you.  And the way it was situated, it would give one the impression that you know, somebody put it there so you would see it. During that time period, there was the relocating of a cemetery that was in the area, and a lot of bodies were being exhumed, graves were being moved, so it gives you the impression now that this may be a prank, and there would be no reason to suspect that there was any foul play.” - Unsolved Mysteries Gallery 

The LE took photographs and an anthropologist was consulted. They said the bones were of recent origin and female but nothing else could be determined. They did not declare a crime scene as nothing else had been disturbed. The event was classified as 'found human remains'. The LE dismissed the event as a prank. In the area, a local cemetery was being exhumed and moved. There had already been an incident with teens breaking into the area and taking photos of skeletons. Linda's skull was then taken to a morgue and sat on a shelf with no name. 

Don Sherman was at the Casa Gallardo that day in the evening after the event. This was one of his favorite drinking spots and he allegedly heard reports of the skull is found. “It was scary. And somebody that put those remains here at the restaurant obviously knew me or knew that I hung out there. We’re not talking about a place that I casually visited. We’re talking about a place that I would visit two, three times a week.” -Don Sherman Unsolved Mysteries Gallery 

Only 14 months later, on September 6, 1991, an unsealed envelope arrived Vanita Park Police department. Inside is a flyer from the restaurant dating it to the day the skull was found there. Some sources say it was a Superbowl flyer. One side of it in purple ink sometimes described as rubber-stamped was the sentence. "THE BRIDGETON POLICE HAVE L. SHERMAN'S SKULL." in capital letters.

The LE matched Linda Sherman's dental records to the skull and it was a match. Unfortunately, the letter and skull were both voids of evidence. The letter had even been sent to an FBI crime lab in Washington. The investigation has now ruled a homicide. 

Don Sherman and P.S. were informed of the find and match at home. P.S. is now 16 years old and said that her father informed her by simply saying "They found your mom" and then he went to his room. P.S. had to learn of the details later from a cousin. 

January 05, 1993, LE seek help from the public by going to the news-press. "All Leads have been exhausted, Lt. Webb said. "but we have reason to believe that there are members of the public who may know something about it." - Police appeal for clues in 1985 Murder by Thom Gross. 

Webb was so desperate with any leads he would go to police conventions and pull aside famous detectives. They were not able to help with tips or ideas. When technology advanced enough Webb pursued soil sample tests that were on the skull. 

August 20th, 1999 The case and investigation are reopened. Linda's skull is exhumed from a grave near Fulton, Mo. Linda's skull was sent to Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute in Mercyhurst, Pa. The examination was lead by a soil scientist and forensic archaeologist. They hoped the trace evidence will help find Linda's full remains. They also send Linda's skull to the University Of Columbia, Missouri. They concluded the skull had been buried in a large wooded area in Missouri and that the plant matter that was found was common purple morning glory. 

Webb sent cadaver dogs to Perryville, Mo where he thought matched the description and a rumor. However, nothing turned up there. This town is outside of St. Louis. 

July 01-2nd, 2001 Lt. Webb appears to herald the rerun episode of  "Unsolved Mysteries". I highly encourage you to watch this episode as it has interviews with Linda's family, P.S., and even Don Sherman. 

Currently, there have been no more leads and nothing to propel this case further. The lead investigator passed away, many of Linda's family pass away and Don Sherman relocated, remarried, became estranged from P.S., and also passed away. The surviving member P.S. relocated and now has her own daughter. 

Linda Sue Lutz Sherman 

Linda Sue Lutz Sherman is also known as Linda Sue Sherman. Linda does not have alias names but her name is often shortened into Linda Sue. Linda was born October, 19th 1958 in Saint Louis City, Missouri. Linda's death date is listed on her gravestone as April 22nd, 1985. Linda's skull was laid to rest in Steedman Cemetery in Steedman, Callaway County, Missouri. At the time of her disappearance, she was working at the U.S. Government Records Center in Saint Louis, Missouri. It has been renamed at National Personnel Records Center. Linda lived in Vinita Park, Missouri. 

Linda is sometimes described as sheltered, quiet, and reserved other times she's described as outgoing, classy, and athletic. She was the youngest of her large, religious and loving family of four older siblings. Linda's family advocated for her in her personal life and after her disappearance. Linda had dark brown hair cut into a popular layered bob style of the 1990s and she wore fashionable makeup of the time. 

Linda grew up in Florissant or by some accounts Dadebride Court in Ferguson. Attended McCluer High School in the Saint Louis area. This high school was where she met her future husband Don Sherman. 

Married February 10th, 1975, at Christ Memorial Baptist Church, Linda was 17 years old at the time. The wedding theme was powder blue and it was not a large ceremony. Afterward, they went to Noah's Ark Restaurant in Saint Louis, Missouri. 

They rented a home next to Linda's parents W.L. occupation of carpenter and E.L. occupation of homemaker. They are both now deceased and buried in the same cemetery as Linda. Later that year Linda gives birth to child P.M.S. around August but is determined to finish her education and relies on her mother to watch P.S. Linda graduated from high school and pursued more education. The couple often worked opposite shifts and this strains the marriage. Linda juggled many jobs over the years; Sears, Site Oil Company, and as a cocktail waitress at the Flaming Pit restaurant.

Don Sherman was upset and jealous of Linda's job at the Flaming Pit and claimed she flirted with men and changed there. The marriage lasted 10 years even with the obsessive nature of Don and physical abuse.  “Don was very possessive of her.  ‘When I get off of work if I’m not home within five minutes, he wants to know what’s goin’ on, who are you seein’?  What are you doin’ out that late?’ He was always hitting her and things just weren’t right.” - D.L. Linda's older brother Unsolved Mysteries Gallery 

Linda filed for divorce in October of 1977 and wanted to take them home and sole custody of her daughter. However, they reconciled in 1979 and moved to Vanita Park together into a five-room bungalow a short time after that. 

Then in 1980 Linda had a miscarriage or stillbirth and was diagnosed with epilepsy and seizures. The couple chose to not have any more children, something Don reportedly was upset with. This event seemed to be a catalyst for discontentment with the marriage.

1982 The marriage becomes strained again to the point Linda leaves the home into an apartment in Saint Ann, Missouri making sure to take their daughter with her. This year in September Linda files for protection from Don because he had threatened to murder-suicide the family and tampered with Linda's car. 

The protection was granted but it didn't last long. One month later Linda wrote a letter to the judge to discontinue it herself as they had reconnected.  "Please acknowledge the fact that my husband, Donald E. Sherman, and myself, Linda S. Sherman, are presently working things out," Linda wrote the judge on Oct. 21, 1982. -Body Of Evidence Riverfront Times

After their 10th wedding anniversary Linda planned to leave Don again but this time she wanted to make it permanent and she started to make quiet moves to do so safely. April 11th, 1985 she filed for divorce. F.V. was her attorney. "I just remember her as being very nice, very polite, and an attractive lady," he says. "She was not sophisticated or anything, but I think she was kind of classy... I remember her as having class and being a person of stature." -Body Of Evidence Riverfront Times

In the early months of 1985 before she vanished Linda began to set up her life in such a way as to leave Don Sherman for good. April 11th she filed for divorce with her lawyer F.V. with the intent that the papers wouldn't be served until sometime later. 

Donald Edward Sherman 

Donald Edward Sherman with no known alias but the name is often shortened to just Don Sherman. Born April 6th, 1957 in Missouri and died May 7th, 2015 at 10:54 AM on Thursday at the Good Samaritan Regional Health Center in Mt. Vernon Illinois at the age of 58 years old. Don has sandy brown hair, one pierced ear, light-colored eyes, caucasian, and often sports beards with styled hair parted in the middle. Older photos show him with darker hair and mustaches. 

Don had continued to live in the home he had shared with Linda for nearly 14 years after her vanishment. In that time he had girlfriends and shared the home with them as well. Then he eventually moved and married. We know he lived in Nashville according to his obituary and then eventually Illinois with his new wife S.G. and her children J.G., R.G., and T.G. 

In Don's obituary, there is a mention of another daughter but the name is wrong and so is the hometown address. However, I assume this was supposed to mention daughter P.S. On Don's memorial page a virtual candle stays lit and its inscription reads, "One and only daughter".

Don was also survived by 4 grandchildren; J.G., J.G., N.G., and E.G. A brother; K. Sherman of Missouri, and numerous friends. Don had other siblings but I do not know if they passed away or not. R. Sherman of Florissant MO, B. Sherman of Cool Valley Mo, and two sisters B.B/B.J. of St. Charles and lastly. P. Sherman of Florissant. 

Don was a manufacturing machinist and built things. Don liked to hunt and spend time with loved ones. Lastly, he was not laid to rest but instead cremated. 

Don had many jobs; gas station attendant, manufacturing machinist, and various factory work.

Don was described as controlling, verbally abusive, physically abusive, and very jealous of Linda's family. Linda's brother said he would have fits if Linda and he went out to lunch. During the time of her disappearance, Don was working dayshift at a machine shop and according to him Linda started smoking again, wouldn't be at work when he called or didn't come home after her shifts. A truck driver friend of Don's confirmed an affair after seeing Linda with a co-worker. 

Don had wild theories about what happened to his wife and often convoluted the casework with them. Don seemed offended that the police had made him the main suspect of the case but other times seems to accept this. Only one week after Linda's vanishing he told the police that he had seen her in a truck or van with another man and she had ducked out of sight when he chased and yelled. Then on another occasion, he said she had been killed for her involvement in a cocaine ring at her workplace. This was his reasoning for why Linda's skull had been placed at his favorite restaurant because it was there to frame or intimidate him. Don would deflect the topic by saying things like  "I don't remember exactly what was going through my head," he says now. "It's way too long ago to remember that." - Body of Evidence by the Riverfront Times. 

Don got a lawyer right away after Linda's vanishment and refused polygraph testing. The lawyer was F.A. but it was strange he chose this person as it was the same lawyer that represented his mother in a murder charge. Don's mother A.S. shot her husband on February 25th, 1974 in their family home. A.S. claimed someone was breaking into their house and the murder weapon was found in the air duct. A.S. served 6 months in jail. According to Don both, his parents were alcoholics and that was the real reason behind his father's murder. Don said his choice of a lawyer was simply because he knew him. 

Daughter Of Linda and Don Sherman P.M.S.

was born in August of 1976. P.S. is now P.H. of Attica, Indiana. P.H. has blond hair, pale, eyes, is caucasian. P.H. has recurrent nightmares of the last day she had seen her mother. P.H. believes that her mother was already dead that morning when she lay on the couch with her face to the back. Though she is aware her father is the main suspect of this case she still hopes for closure and wants to bring all of her Mother's body home to rest. “In my heart, I think that he might’ve done it. You know, I can’t think of anybody else who would’ve.” -Interview from Unsolved Mysteries.

Theories / Notes / Brainstorms

This section in no way claims or accuses anyone of anything. All people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The theories reported in this section are exactly that. Just theories and reporting common ideas of the public. 

Alex from Unsolved Mysteries posted Linda's case to the Unsolved Mysteries Facebook. In there he expresses his opinion that Don killed his wife plain and simple. Many people agree with him and this is the top and most prevailing theory one even supported by Don's own daughter. Many spin off theories have come off of this main idea with thoughts like; Don had help hiding the body or maybe he threatened his daughter to keep quiet about certain details or information. Motivation theories on why range from jealously, to accidental, to possessiveness. 

Speaking of possessiveness while watching the Unsolved Case interview with Don Sherman I found it interesting that he shook his head no over most of what he was saying. Most of the time he used his wife's full name and just seemed overall distant. Strange for someone who was reported to have been so jealous his wife wasn't able to have lunch with her own brother. I hardly imagine a man this intense would be OK with his wife's disappearance and I feel like he'd search for her high and low out of needing to know where she was... unless... he already knows where she is. I got the distinct impression Don was the sort of person that wraps a tiny nugget of truth up into lies. If you watch or think of the case with that idea in mind it could conjure up some interesting theories. Such as he said he thought Linda's skull was placed at his favorite restaurant as a way to intimidate him or frame him. What if that is a half-truth? What if it was done by someone he knew to make sure he had an alibi for when it was found? 

Most people were also very convinced that Linda was already dead or dying that morning when P.H. went to school and saw her on the couch. Considering P.H. still has nightmares about this moment it's implied that she agrees with this theory. 

Most people agree that the motivation for Linda's skull reappearing seemed to be out of the need to prove her death for their marriage to finally dissolve. Leaving Don legally able to pursue marriage. However, most missing persons are declared dead after a certain period of time. Why the need to speed up this process when the average declared time period is 7 years? 

A.N.Sherman is Don Sherman's mother who lived in Bridgeton Missouri and was formerly of Crosstown Missouri. A.S. died June 6th, 1996 at the DePaul Health Center, St. Louis Missouri. Wife of C.K.S. whom she murdered. A.S. has three sons and two daughters.

A.S. lived in Bridgeton Missouri and that is the same town where Linda's skull had been found at Don's favorite drinking restaurant. The Casa Gallardo would have been a roughly estimated 29-minute walk or 4-minute drive from A.S. house. 

Also, Linda's car had been found in short-term parking at the Lambert airport. That probably would have been terminals 1 or 2. These terminals are a roughly estimated 5-minute drive or a 30-60 min walk to A.S.'s house. The address A.S. had listed in '93 according to the census is 12001 Farnclar Dr. Bridgeton Mo and it no longer exists due to the airport expansion, which is why I feel it's safe and fair to share this location.

I don't often bring spiritualism into a case but I went to sleep thinking about Linda. That night I dreamt that Don packed Linda's body up into a suitcase and put her in her car and drove her to the airport. It reminded me when I woke up that Don had made it a point to investigators that Linda's overnight bag and items were missing. I wonder how large this bag was and if any other luggage was missing. Anything large enough to hide a petite woman? Linda's car had been found with the trunk compartment unlocked at short-term parking but the car doors locked. 

Lastly, it was reported that Don lawyered up very quickly and that he used the very same lawyer that had gotten his mother off on murder charges. Don was asked why he used that lawyer and he said it was because he knew him and no other reason. That lawyer advised Don to never take any polygraphs and it was advice he followed. 

Was Linda's favorite color blue? It's a random thought but the outfit she went missing in is blue, the photos she is most often seen in shows her with blue eyeshadow and a blue turtle neck. Also, I wonder what sports jersey she was wearing? Was it a Royals jersey? This is something good to document if we can get her a profile on Namus. If this is indeed the outfit she was murdered in perhaps she was buried in it as well so if her remains are found it could help identify her. 

Did Don lie to his new wife about the details of his daughter? Why would his obit have wrong information then and even be included in the obit? 


The key to this case is going to be a witness or finding the rest of the body. So, if you have any information or a tip, please call the Vinita Park Police Department in Vinita Park, Missouri, (314) 428-7373 or call Unsolved Mysteries at 1-800-876-5353 (If you call the unsolved it just growls at you. It's now a disconnected number.) Also, if you can please share her story! I know I usually say fliers but this time... she has NONE. I would love to try and get her into Namus or other missing person sites. How can you find a body if nobody knows your looking for it? 

My Podcast Episode Just Audio! 






Subscription Sources









https://www.trailwentcold.com/2019/05/01/the-trail-went-cold-episode-122-linda-sherman/ *Podcast appears on Podcast row for Crimecon 


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