
They sensationalized her and then stopped talking about her!! Justice NOW for Tonya Harvey, 35yrs old Murdered Buffalo New York 2018

 Tonya Harvey, 35 years old, was murdered on a dead-end street on February 8th, 2018. Buffalo New York Police have made no arrests, named no suspects or persons of interest. They state the murder was not a hate crime but family and friends may disagree. 

Content Warning! This case is sensitive and it involves marginalized and overly sensationalized people. LGBTQ+, Trans, black, and women. Please, take care of your mental health. Please, be sensitive in the comments especially if you are not apart of these communities. I am including mental health resources for us at the end of Tonya's story. If at anytime you need them take a break and look into it. If you are mentally able to handle the strain please share her story. You can always turn off your comments!

Timeline Of Events And Details 

February 4th, 2018

Tonya may have seen a murder four days before her death. Mother A.V. states, "What she witnessed she couldn't get out of her mind." -wgrz news

Allegedly Tonya would consume drugs and would tell what she had seen to everyone around her. The rumor said this would happen until a hit order was made to silence her. The rumor goes on to say that Tonya was leaving the house for the store. A few men were there. Tonya hollered and screamed before she was shot multiple times. It's possible she yelled out I don't have your money or stuff.

Eire County District Attorney John Flynn who is investigating Tonya's case reports they are aware of the rumors. They officially announced that to date they do not know of any eyewitnesses of the event. Those that had come forward all got their information via rumor. The info came from various sources. 

There was a homicide on the day Tonya may have seen it. This homicide is still unsolved. It occurred on 134 Wick Street and the victim is Douglas Padre Johnson according to John Flynn. This victim was rumored to be a doorman for a drug house in Buffalo NY. In a news report, they say the victim's name is  Douglas E. Johnson but he was known by "Padre". Douglas was 47 years old. Discovered on February 6th, 2018 his body was snow-covered. After examination, it was found that he died of multiple stabbings. Wick street is also a dead-end street near Broadway and Bailey. Crimestoppers offered up to $2,500 and the Buffalo Police Department was offering up to $1,500 for information that leads to an arrest or indictment. Johnson's body was found the same night Tonya was killed and his body was three streets away from her death location.

Tonya has one last Facebook post and it was published on this day. It seems it was a food delivery check-in for skipthedishes. 

February 6th, 2018 Evening 5-5:30 PM

Tonya is shot multiple times on dead-end Shepard street near Broadway. The police arrive shortly after the event but Tonya is pronounced dead at the scene. 

Tonya's mother A.V. had worked a double shift. (16 hours) and was eager to get home that very cold day. Once at home she settles to watch television and the shows remind her of her daughter Tonya. One show was about a person promoting make-up and A.V. thought Tonya could do that! The show changes to something about angels and learning the signs to know if you were surrounded by them. Interrupting the moment was a banging on the door so loud it scared her. A.V. angrily looks out the window to see her son. Once inside he attempts to get her to sit but she refuses. A.V. says she is a stubborn mother like that. 

"He said they killed [her], and I said killed who? He said 'Boo' because we call, the family calls, Tonya 'Boo,' and I just immediately fell out. And I said, 'well' and cried for I don't know how long," -wgrz 

A.V. is in denial and is unable to process her daughter's death. Asking her son if he had seen Tonya himself she learns that he had not. The police had identified her via various markings and her tattoos. A.V. refused to believe Tonya was gone until she finally saw her. 

The news reports Tonya's death that night but initially misgenders her. 

February 10th, 2018 

The Buffalo News issues corrections about Tonya's gender. Michael J. DeGeorge the Buffalo Police spokesman announced they were looking into some early leads.

February 11th or 12th, 2018 

A.V. verifies and see's her daughter's body at the funeral home after Tonya's body was cleaned and prepared by the funeral home. 

February 12th, 2018 

Tonya's wake was held at 11:00 am at TL Pickens Mortuary 66 E. Utica Street Buffalo, NY 14209. The funeral service was held the same day and place at 12:00 PM. 

Prior to Tonya's death her mother A.V. and talked about what Tonya would want if she died early. The question arose because A.V. was worried about her daughter's lifestyle. Tonya simply told her mother "Mom, whatever makes you happy." - dailypublic.com  

February 8th, 2018- through the following week. (Estimated)

The Erie County District Attorney investigates the homicide to see if it was a hate crime. Tonya's death brings about a lot of media attention. During this time era, an upswing of hate crimes against trans people climb. 

February 18th, 2019 12:00 PM

Remembrance Rally - Justice for Tonya Kita Harvey. This rally takes place with Tonya's family and LGBTQ+ community. City Hall Square Buffalo NY. 


[Redacted. Info turned in as small tip]

August 18, 2018 

 A billboard is made with Tonya's picture on it. It said Speak UP and Speak OUT before your loved one is next. Please reach out to Be a Voice For Justice Initiative with Any Information. There is a link for Be A Voice For Justice Initiative but it is unopenable. 

October 29th, 2018 (Estimated)

Kait Munro spokesperson for District Attorney's Office announced that Tonya's murder did not appear to be a hate crime. They declined to comment further on the possible motives citing open investigation. Buffalo Police Department also declined to comment.

October 2018 

Crime Stoppers Buffalo and the Buffalo Police Department offered a 4,000 dollar reward. They asked for information about Tonya's killer or killers. Tips may be submitted by calling 67-6161 or through the Crime Stoppers app. 

August 2021

District Attorney admits there is no evidence available in this case. 

Crime Scene 

Tonya suffered multiple gunshots. Allegedly it was six wounds total to the head, chest, back, bottom and genitals. The information about the wounds was not given by the police but by the funeral director. -dailypublic There were 9-millimeter shells on the ground in the vicinity of Tonya's body. 

The district attorney's office has acknowledged the gunshot wounds. They were asked if the location of the wounds indicated a hate crime. "It could potentially be" or it could mean the perpetrator was a "bad shot." - dailypublic They later ruled that Tonya's murder was not a hate crime. 

A.V. says that as a mother she imagines her daughter was trying to run away or turn around. 

It is unclear what significance this location was to Tonya. The news reports that she had no permanent address at this point in her life. Tonya's facebook indicates that she was a regular around in this area. In some of her Facebook lives, she goes to the same store by her accounts daily and people would drive by her and say hi. According to family, Tonya used supportive housing. 

In news video segments you can see the investigation happening. The neighborhood is a tightly packed residential with a narrow road.  There was snow-packed onto the streets and the LE wore heavy clothing. The area seems slightly worn but with efforts to upkeep. During the clips the police cross caution tape and go down into an ally between the houses. 

The scene is Shepard Street, a dead-end off-broadway and two blocks from bailey avenue. The area near broadway and bailey is known for gun violence. 2018 was a particularly deadly year. Here is s a list of sources of the areas murders for 2018.


Tonya Harvey  

Tonya Harvey, with her own words, used an "AKA" which is why some may know her as Kita Harvey. Pronounced Kee-Tah. Family would call her Boo. Others still gave her nicknames like "Freckles" or "The black Cameron Diaz." Tonya may have used other AKA's but it seemed like she wanted to be known as Tonya or Kita the most. 

Tonya was born to father M.H. and mother A.V. and was 35 years old when she died on February 6th, 2018 about 5:00 pm in Buffalo NY. Tonya has at least one younger brother by six years. Along with many extended friends that were family by choice with her. 

As a child, Tonya lived in Ferry-Grinder homes (Donovan Drive). This was not a good place for her and she was bullied regularly. Other children would use homophobic slurs and physically attack her. Parents would go out of their way to tell Tonya's mother that her child was gay. A.V. would disagree with them saying; "I was like, [she's] a kid [she] should be able to do what [she] want to do." 

A.V. knew she had to get Tonya and her younger brother out of that area after seeing the bullying. First, they went to an apartment on Burgard street and then into a home on Bailey-Kensington. A.V. worked as a nursing assistant for the New York State Department of Corrections for nearly 20 years.  

Tonya grew up in Buffalo and attended Lafayette Highschool. Tonya like all teens was a little rebellious and would sneak out of the house. Sometimes she went to Club Marcella and other times to the hair salon on main street. 

The main street salon was an important place. There she met her friend and mentor V.M. and they had a strong relationship as father and daughter. Tonya would call V.M. dad and he would advocate and help her. V.M. would talk to Tonya's mother who struggled with her faith and her daughter's identity. V.M now owns his own hair salon on main street called Garth Beauty

"Honestly I gravitated towards Kita because so many people in the community kind of did not like her. She was a lot to deal with. At that time, I felt I could take her underneath my wing before somebody really hurts her," - The Public

Once she graduated high school Tonya attempted to join the armed forces. However, she wasn't eligible and found out she had a medical condition that could be life-threatening. 

Tonya transitioned in her twenties. Then she enjoyed traveling around the country visiting places like Alaska, California, and Atlanta. Tonya lived outside of Atlanta for a short period of time. 

Throughout her life, Tonya was spiritual and optimistic. According to her mother, she had been a faithful Christian throughout her whole life. This trait uplifted those around her. 

Tonya experienced life hardships and used drugs. A.V. attempted to help by giving her daughter consequences such as not being allowed to live with her but she still would check on her. A.V. would get off work and would scour the streets looking for her daughter. Often she would have to check abandoned houses. Tonya also engaged in sex work for survival. Tonya went through rehab for drugs and would focus on poetry and creativity to get her through. Drugs and sex work were an on-and-off cycle for her. 

Tonya had encountered violence before. Confiding in her mother Tonya tells of her hardships. In New York, she survived an encounter with a man who tied her up and threatened her with a gun. Then near a hotel along Niagra Falls Boulevard, she was robbed by people she knew. 

Tonya's family thinks that drugs contributed to her death. The more she used the drugs the less and less they would see of her. At the time of her death, nobody knew who she had been around in those last few days.  

 One week before her death Tonya visited her adopted father V.M. at the Salon. 

"Dad just wanted to say I love you and I need to use the bathroom." -dailypublic.com 

V.M. said that he replied, "I love you too and be safe." 

Tonya was beautiful and was considered a "show-stopper" when it came to pageants and shows. Tonya and her friend E.M.J. were inspired by the documentary "Paris Is Burning." Tonya would walk for ballroom fashion competitions but her talent was best in cabaret-style shows. Tonya even made and designed her own clothing and outfits. The shows that she did would support LGBTQ+ 

Tonya would inspire young trans people and was a trailblazer in the community. Consistently, she could be relied upon to help people.  Tonya's friend A.M and LGBTQ+ advocate said Tonya never did wrong to people. When life was hard for her she reached out to others by paying off their bills and buying needed items. A.V. was impressed with her daughter's ability to forgive others. Tonya's father now deceased would steal from the family to buy drugs. This father was also physically violent with the family and yet graceful Tonya forgave him. 

Tonya was a precious jewel with a shining and valuable personality. This world is at a loss without her in it. Tonya's talents were immeasurable being able to sing, dance, write, perform, design, model, and be kind. This woman was creative with infinite possibilities. Tonya was passionate, outgoing, and a bit loud in the best way possible. 

Tonya had wanted to become a public speaker so that she could share her story. Mother A.V. says in the future she may publish some of Tonya's written works. 


Tonya was well-loved and liked and because of this, it has led to speculation on who could want her dead. 

Hate crime is the most popular motive theory. During 2018 there was an upswing in hate crimes against trans people across the country. Tonya had been the third trans person to be murdered in America in less than a month. LE ruled out a hate crime as a motive but the theory still exists among close friends and family. 

Anyone that could kill her daughter in that manner was driven by hate said A.V. 

Then there is the silenced for talking about a murder she witnessed theory. 

Then the she was killed for something related to drugs or sex work theory. 

Similar Cases 

Buffalo, N.Y. on the same block a 19-year-old man was shot early Monday morning on Feb. 19, 2018. The event took place around 1 am. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/buffalo/news/2018/02/19/police-investigating-possible-shooting-on-shepard-street

Tonya was the third or fourth known transgender person to be killed in 2018 according to GLAAD reports. 

Then according to dailypublic.com Tonya's homicide was the first in the year. In 2017 there were three homicides on New Years Day alone. 

Then on the same day of her death, the murder that Tonya may have witnessed was found. Stabbed to death multiple times only three streets away from Tonya's murder. The victim was Douglas E. Johnson AKA "Padre" and he was found snow-covered in the street. 

“I want her death to mean something,” -A.V.

Somebody knows something. There is no way that Tonya was murdered in the street of that neighborhood without a witness. I urge that witness to come forward or provide anonymous information to Crimestoppers or directly to Buffalo police. It's possible you could earn reward money through Crimestoppers. You can remain anonymous and still earn reward money. Tonya had routines that she followed and people would say hello to her in the street. Somebody saw something. 

https://www.crimestopperswny.org/ or https://www.bpdny.org/155/Report-a-Tip

If you are unable to provide witness to this crime you can still support Tonya's case. Share her story! It doesn't need to be this writing. All that matters is that you honor her name and her story somehow. Most traditional news sources took her story and sensationalized it without actually trying to get her closure and justice. Fix that today! 

Take a moment to write to the district attorney office of buffalo and tell them to keep looking into Tonya's murder. We demand it to be solved. https://www2.erie.gov/da/index.php?q=contact

Mental Health Resources For Us

National Alliance On Mental Illness and 800-950-6264 https://nami.org/Home

The Trevor Project's 24/7/365 Lifeline at 866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386) or TrevorChat, their online instant messaging option, or TrevorText, a text-based support option. If you are looking for peer support, you can visit TrevorSpace from anywhere in the world.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255)

Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860

GLAAD List Of Resources https://www.glaad.org/transgender/resources

Sources Upstairs Info (Buffalo News Will Only Allow A Certain Amount Of reading Articles. They Have a 1.00 six month trial though for anyone needing to read) 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGnTsDLC764 * has clips from the scene as well as clips of family speaking. 

https://buffalonews.com/news/local/motive-still-sought-in-fatal-shooting-as-mother-recalls-transgender-daughters-struggles/article_4bcf6530-b14f-5153-a57d-991defca0371.html *Consider donating to support local news and writers 


Unsolved: True Crime in WNY podcast * Highly recommend that you listen to this. Full of direct quotes and information. 



















Social Media 

Tonya Harvey Facebook (Now Memorialized) https://www.facebook.com/tonya.harvey.96


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Thank you for considering supporting me so that I can continue to try and help people. 

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