
@sabrinaprater625 Bullied On TikTok

 @sabrinaprater625 is a TikTok user who is being bullied. Sabrina was stalked and harassed to such a level it reached the news headlines. They speculated if he was dead or alive after going missing. 

What did Sabrina do to deserve his type of harassment? It seems like it was just existing. Sabrina's Tiktok bio says, "I'm a 34 yr old male been dressing up since I was lil! working on coming out" Sabrina supports "Act to Change" charity. (I am using he/them pronouns because I think this is what Sabrina wants based on their profile and previous videos) 

On his page, there are countless videos of him dancing in cute outfits to various music. The background is a home that is described as unkempt or in construction. 

A slew of Tiktok videos using Sabrina as a green screen background to make fun of him came out. One of the most amazing videos was by a TikTok user @geargrindinghyena. They have a following of 129.1k and a bio that reads, "Professional Truck Driver. Unprofessional Comedian." The clip shows @geargrindinghyena wearing chains, using lotion, and lifting a sign saying "send help." They used Sabrina as a greenscreen background. The caption stated, "at least my skin is soft now." with the #'s #romwenextgen #sendhelp #halloween #itputsthelotiononitsskin the video was posted 11-15-2021.

The video is still up. 

Then people began to take notice of Sabrina and scrutinize her environment. Conspiracy theories spread with baseless claims, and they compared him to the fictional character "Buffalo Bill." 

Sabrina's personal information was leaked on the internet. Trying to decide what he actually wanted to be posted and what he didn't is challenging, so I'll be protecting his information as much as possible.

 Sabrina's full legal name, hometown, and even his children were all posted. The status of his home and welfare were all posted. Even his dogs were scrutinized, and people attempted to "rescue" them even though it's clear that Sabrina cares for them well. 

The police arrived to do welfare checks, and it turns out... everything was fine. People don't believe this yet and continue to harass this man to the point he went missing. Then people worried about his welfare, and the drama began again. Sabrina did come back to the internet to start posting their regular content. 

It is very telling of a society that looked at his man and home and justified their bullying based on looks alone. Poverty and gender-non-conforming do not a villain make. (Important to note I'm not assuming Sabrina is poor... other people are, and I am addressing that) 

The movie trope that Transgender people are villains perpetuates this idea. When the reality is, it's the opposite. Transgender people are murdered at high rates, and 2021 is the deadliest year yet. 

Sabrina's Donation Tag

Anyway, this quick informal blog post is just here to bring up the injustice that gender non-conforming people must face daily. If you took part in this hateful trend... please fix it. Sabrina has a donations cash tag, and it's $IMJUSTAPRETTYGIRL 

@Weathersrabbits comment 

Silence Of The Lambs Comment

Sources? We got em.

Is evil Trans a Trope? Yes. :( 


  1. Tic Tok is a wasteland of hate these days. I find it interesting that people will get banned when they call out those who hate, yet the ones doing damage to others with their slander and their Doxing, never get banned it seems, they just keep being allowed to post. As well false information spreads fast on Tic Tok and that is just dangerous. I have say no tanks to enough content that all I get is people I want to see now and don't tend to get the radicals anymore thank the Goddess. I've seen so many young trans people chased off of Tic Tok, YouTube, Instagram and other sites. I find it saddening how many people in the Gay and Lesbian community also hate on Trans people and they should know better. Personally I'm Fluid Gender and Pansexual and although it's not a banner over my head, it's out there and I've gotten all kinds of hate for it over the years. One person has even stocked me on the internet since 1996 on the news groups to the present day literally every place I go on the net, there they are. The worst of it was him posting 237 hate comments on one video about 10 years ago. I got all kinds of info on the guy BTW, but I'm not a dick to share it like a lot of people seem to think is OK to do. My soul hurts when I see good people chased off the internet or who harm themselves over this nonsense. There is a great deal of stuff people do I don't agree with but if it does not hurt anyone, I let them be. Seems people just can't stand to see anything different. Anyways, I hope he will be OK and this stops, but I know it just won't. Peace.

    1. I agree! Which is why I'm trying to spotlight all this terrible behavior aginst the community. Sabrina is a good person... I think they'll overcome this but so many other people fall victim to the bully stuff. Thanks for sharing my friend, you aren't alone!!


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