
Caus Of Death "Undetermined" and Police Closed The Case. Lexxi T. Sironen 09/06/2016 Waterville, ME. (Suspicious Death)

 Lexxi T. Sironen, 43 years old and parent of two teens, was deceased in the Kennebec River. Sironen's death is suspicious and now closed, but her cause of death was undetermined. 

Content Warning! This case is sensitive, and it involves marginalized and overly sensationalized people. LGBTQ+, Trans, and Women. Please, take care of your mental health. Please, be sensitive in the comments, especially if you are not a part of these communities. If you are mentally able to handle the strain, please share her story. You can always turn off your comments! Also, I always redact and correct pronouns and will not include dead names or nicknames unless evidence prooves the victim was comfortable using this information publicly. 

Case themes include homelessness and drugs. This case does not have graphic images for those of you who are sensitive to researching cases on your own. 

This case is a small write-up. The information available on the investigation into Sironen's death is minimal. Community blogs for Transgender people by Transgender people are keeping Sironen's name remembered. 

Timeline of Events

August 30th, 2016 (Tuesday) (Estimated)

An anonymous family member who lived in Skowhegan, Maine, said the Sironen lived with them. They said Sironen had been in Waterville, Maine visiting friends one week prior to her death.

September 1st, 2016 

One of Sironen's close friends of eight years, C.L., visited with Sironen.

September 5th, (Monday) 2016 10:00 pm

Sironen's former apartment in Waterville, Maine, on Elm Street was invaded. Sironen's friend J.S. lived here one year and said people would show up looking for Sironen. That night around 10 pm, J.S. makes a police report about the invasion and reports being assaulted in bed. J.S. thinks the attack was for Sironen, but the darkness hid his identity from the attackers. The weather on this day was fair and cloudy.  The humidity reached highs of 80%. Sunrise was at 6:08 and Sunset was at 7:09. 

September 6th, (Tuesday) 2016 8:14 am

An employee of Brookfield Power Facility reported a body in the reservoir to the police. The weather this day was cloudy with light rains in the area. Humidity had reached 90%.

11:40 am, Sironen's body was recovered from the Lockwood Dam in the Kennebec River, located in Waterville, Maine. This dam is near Hathaway Creative Center on Water Street. Waterville Fire Department, Brookfield crane operators, boats, and Waterville police all participated in the recovery. 

The body had been pushed up against the gates by the damn. 

September 7th, (Wednesday) 2016 

Lexxi T. Sironen, identified by police, describes her as a transient by the river they were familiar with. While Sironen was in Waterville for the week, she lived along the riverbanks near Head Of Falls on Front Street. 

Some news headlines put emphasis on Sironen's gender which prompted debates instead of concern for her on social media. 

Sironen's body is sent for autopsy by the Chief Medical Examiner. They spend time running tests looking for the cause of death. 

Waterville Police and Maine State Police are both investigating the death. They say they are speaking with people they described as other transients in the area. 

September 8th, (Thursday) 2016 

The investigation continues, and more tests are run for the cause of death. 

Friends of Sironen are speaking with new outlets. Friends stress that Sironen did not commit suicide. J.S. now has a swollen black eye from the apartment attack, and his photo shows this in the newspaper. 

September 18th, 2016

Sironen's family has a celebration of life memorial service at noon Sunday. Location was the East Madison Grange #228, off the East Madison Road, 15 Grange Hall Road, East Madison Maine, 04950 

The family asked for perennial plants to plant in Lexxi's memorial garden instead of flowers. 

September 19th, 2016

Chief Medical Examiner Dr. M.F. says the results for the autopsy were still pending. The investigation is still ongoing and still being done by both Waterville Police and Maine State Police. 

Waterville Deputy Chief W.B. announced that the apartment invasion involving J.S. Sironen's friend was being investigated separately from Sironen's death. They did not think the event which occurred one day before Sironen's body was found was connected. 

January 1st, 2017 

Law enforcement never released the autopsy finding, but the Morning Sentinel paper could obtain it by public request. 

The autopsy report said the cause of death was "undetermined." The body had been submerged too long. The report concludes that drowning is the most likely cause of death but cannot determine if Sironen was alive or dead when entering the water. No other trauma was found to the body. Mark Flomenbaum, the chief medical examiner, said that "toxicologic findings" may help explain Sironen's "state of mind around the time of death." 

The toxicologic findings were reported as alcohol, narcotics, and stimulants in her system. NMS Labs in Pennsylvania did toxicology. Sironen had 91 milligrams per deciliter of ethanol. 65 nonograms per milliliter of methamphetamine. The report did not differentiate between the two isomeric forms of methamphetamine. One is an abused substance, the other not. 69 nanograms per milliliter of methylphenidate/Ritalin. Stimulant like amphetamine. (could be used to treat disorders) 9.2 nanograms per milliliter of buprenorphine, a synthetic derivative of an opioid. Used to treat pains, drug addictions, more potent than morphine. It is not intended to be mixed with alcohol or illegal drugs. 

Sironen was wearing pants, underwear, one sock, and one shoe. 

It is important to note that the Chief Medical Examiner who performed the autopsy is a controversial figure in the community. Dr. Mark Flomenbaum has several complaints filed against him. There was a high-profile murder case that he changed his opinion on in the middle, which prompted a mistrial. 2007 Flomenbaum was fired from Chief Medical Examiner in Massachusetts. Lastly, Flomenbaum had a situation where he ruled a hiker's death as a drinker, but the hiker had diabetes. 

The Waterville police closed the investigation into Sironen's death. 

Area Location

Waterville, Maine is a city within Kennebec County. It is on the west bank of Kennebec River. The 2019 population was 16,558. Augusta a nearby city is sometimes lumped in with Waterville when speaking about the area. 

According to neighborhoodscout.com The chance of being a victim for violent or property crime is 1 in 35. 


Lexxi Tristam Sironen

Lexxi Tristam Sironen, born August 6th, 1973, in Warwick R.I. Lexxi died at 43 years old in Waterville, Maine, of unknown causes. Lexxi's name is sometimes shortened to Lex by friends. Sironen lived in Skowhegan with a family member. 

Sironen had lived in other locations were Bellevue Street in Winslow, Maine, Elm Street in Waterville, Maine. Then North Kingstown R.I. ., East Providence R.I., and then moved to Cornville, Maine in 1980.

Sironen attended school in Cornville and Skowhegan; she graduated from Crossroads in 1993. The emphasis of her studies being in mechanics with Job Corps. 

Sironen held several jobs in the food industry, customer services, and Sironen's Radiator in Skowhegan, Maine. 

It is reported that Lexxi struggled with disability and self-doubts. It is implied that she may have used drugs on and off. She did have minor altercations with the law such as having an unlicenced dog. We know she struggled with homelessness. All these struggles are things that transgender people experience in higher amounts. 

Sironen was a parent of two teens. The family seems to value privacy, and their names, even initals, will be redacted.

Lexxi, was a talented woman that loved people. A loyal friend who would do anything for anyone. All of her hobbies are amazing! Camping, carpentry, mechanics, electronics, cooking, writing, drawing, designing tattoos, and visiting family. Lexxi could play the electric guitar as well. Building stone walls, collecting stones and minerals, designing jewelry, and welding sculptures. She was a movie buff and liked anime. 

That was who Sironen was. A loving person who cares for many and had a vast knowledge of skills and talent. Rest in power Lexxi T. Sironen. 


Sironen's case is closed, but several people feel like it should still be open. I hope that her suspicious death has real closure soon. No arrests or leads were ever announced. Thank you to the numerous Transgender Friendly blogs that have kept her name in the public eyes.

If you have information, contact Waterville Police (207) 680-4700 

Crime Stoppers USA 1-800-222-TIPS

and lastly consider writing to the district attorney Maeghan Maloney and ask them to re-open the case along with the reasons why you think they should.  contact@kennebecda.com 














Facebooks/Personal *Adult themes*




Extra content warning becaue of public comments. 






Santa Meurte please interceed on behalf of Lexxi T. Sironen's suspicious death. May what was done in secret be brought to the light. 

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