
Cassidy Rainwater Case Updates (No longer missing)

I am crushed to have to bring you this update on the Cassidy Rainwater case. We only posted this case the other day. This is the one that was chock-full of rumors, and unfortunately, some of those rumors happen to be true. 

Content warning on the topic we are about ready to discuss. No graphic images will be shown. We are outlining facts, not sensationalizing. We do not accuse anyone of anything, as all people are innocent until proven in a court of law. What I say is my personal opinion and reporting on publicly available news. Do not send hate to anyone. If you participate in the comments, please know I will not tolerate hate, nor any more rumors. 

Since some of those rumors did happen to be true... I would like to know... did someone know what was happening but did nothing? Did someone steal information and leak it, or just overheard something and run with it? Because I still condemn the rumor mill. That kind of rumor could compromise trials and, most importantly, think about the horrible stress it is causing to the victim's family. For goodness sake, Rainwater has children exposed to all the crap people made up ON top of the terrible things that happened. 

So, I do not want to but let us talk about what did happen. My source is from the news, and they have official court documents. 

Rainwater has been located, and her body was found near the Moon Valley property. Norton and Phelps's charges have been changed to first-degree murder and abandonment of a corpse. 

I am giving you a second content warning. If you do not want to hear any details, now will be the time to fast forward or leave. 

The photos that a person gave to the FBI showed Rainwater in the cage and showed Rainwater bound to a gantry crane. That is a thing people use to process game. 

Investigators found that gantry, blood evidence, and human meat in the freezer labeled for July 24th. 

That is the DNA evidence we have been waiting on. They tested this meat and found out it was Rainwater. 

Rainwater's skeleton was found near the property. 

They also have more digital evidence to show that this murder was pre-mediated and planned to murder on July 24th. 

The anonymous family member was revealed through court documents. I do not see a need to reveal their name, but some new information came up through these released court documents. We learn that the family tells LE that the last person Cassidy Rainwater had content with was "James Rainwater," which was later revealed to be James Phelps. 

I also need to correct my information. Deputy CC went out on August 25th, 2021, to interview Phelps, not Sgt. RS Deputy CC did not find signs of Cassidy that day. 

September 1st, 2021, it was Sgt. RS interviewed Phelps. Furthermore, Phelps told him Rainwater had been staying there a couple of weeks. The Phelps said a month prior to this date, Cassidy got in a car and left in the dark after talking about going back to Colorado. 

On Septeber 16th, we learn the FBI received the photos via a cyber tip, and the photos were titled "Cassidy" This is where we learn her body was mutilated as she was depicted in the cage but also bound to the gantry crane. 

When Sgt. RS got to the scene he was able to see it was the same one from the photos. Which prompted Phelps arrest, and warrants were requested for the property and electronic devices. 

During their investigation of the crime scene, they find the gantry crane located behind the house. Inside the house, possible blood and items in the freeze appear to be human flesh labeled 07-24. This was confirmed later with DNA to be Rainwater. Cassidy's skeleton was located in an adjacent property where Phelps disposed of them. 

On September 17th, 2021,  The Dallas County Sheriff's Office Sgt.L and Agent A. of the FBI attempted to interview Phelps, but he refused and invoked rights to an attorney. 

On September 20th, FBI agents A. and H. interview Norton. It seems he found his involvement through digital evidence and not Phelps, as we previously believed. Norton confesses to the murder. Norton says Phelps asked him to come over, and Rainwater was still asleep. Norton said Phelps had Rainwater sleep on the floor by the front door so they could easily access an attack on her. Norton said he held her legs down while Phelps strangled her with a bag on her head. Then they carried her outside. Phelps tied her to the gantry crane, and Phelps eviscerated and dismembered her. Norton helps carry her body parts to the bathtub in the home. 

We do not know how the cage fits into the situation, but I imagine we will find out more details with the upcoming court dates. 

The DCSO did release a statement, and currently, there is no evidence for other murders or victims. This has been hard for people to agree with. When hearing this news, most people have all concluded that these men must have been doing this for a while. In the words of my husbunny, "you do not just wake up to murder and dismemberment of a human being randomly one day." 

Norton will be in court on November 23rd and Phelps on November 19th. 

I want to conclude this with my personal opinion. This is why you do not do the rumor thing with true-crime cases. This is an ongoing investigation. The judicial system has a lot of red tape and laws that need to be handled just so. It is evident here that they are attempting to go for a slam dunk murder trial. If you conclude it with anything else, we might not get these two prosecuted. 

According to rumors, the start of the rumor mill was from LE talking with their family or friends. If that is true, then in my opinion, whoever betrayed the trust should be held accountable. LE deserves the right to unload their day with family or close friends without fear someone will use that info for their exploitations. I am not talking about the people just reporting on the news or reporting on the rumors. I am talking about the people who went out of their way to make up some disgusting "facts" about this case. I am talking about the people who went to gawk at the murder scene, like some horror movie day trip. Basically, people are dehumanizing what happened to Rainwater and blatantly ignoring that this is about a real person with a family who loves her. 

If you have tips about this case, you need to turn that information in. If you are afraid, you can go anonymously to Crimestoppers. They have an app, and you can do it online or by phone. You can also call the Dallas County Sheriff's office directly and request to give them a tip. 

 I will keep you updated. 



Praying for Santa Muerte to bring justice to Cassidy Rainwater's case. 

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