
He's Driving In Bad Weather!

It's Zud's dashcam footage but I've edited it in my style of course. Music is soft and there to fill in the quiet gaps because the hubby loves to blast copywritten music. What kind of music do you think he listens to? If you come anywhere close I'll be sure to share one of your videos on my twitter lol!

Ok, but seriously this footage is great. I really enjoyed the sped up versions myself and I've been thinking about making a longer video with just driving footage for no reason. 

This video was almost special because I nearly left in a candid conversation I was having with Zud. So, it was almost the first time you'd hear me talking in years. I panicked and deleted it. :( Soon, guys, I'll make talkies but I guess for now it's quiet stuff. 

What did you think of the weather in the video? Do you like this dashcam stuff? If so let me know and if he captures more interesting dashcam footage I might make it a series! 

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