
Her Body Found Same Day Jimmy Hoffa Vanished! Jane Doe 1975 North Saskatchewan River

This case has been covered by Jasmine Castillo of "Hands Off My Podcast: True Crime." Please listen! 

Website: https://handsoffmypodcast.transistor.fm/

This Episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3FTIigtjjEFWaWl5qGQaDd?si=3cf5090d78434d69

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Santa Muerte, please intercede Amen.

This unidentified person is known as Edmonton Jane Doe (1975)

June 30, 1975

Edmonton was discovered in the North Saskatchewan River near the Beverly neighborhood of Edmonton, Canada. https://www.google.com/maps/place/53%C2%B033'43.1%22N+113%C2%B024'30.4%22W/@53.5619609,-113.4129227,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!1m6!3m5!1s0x53a03d18fe162e55:0x4592b9290d4ea10e!2sBeverly+Bridge!8m2!3d53.5710496!4d-113.37357!3m5!1s0x0:0xff8b3665a71479d8!7e2!8m2!3d53.5619606!4d-113.4084384

Condition Of Body 

Edmonton's condition is not well documented, but she was found in the river. We know that she is female, aged 18-30, and was 5'3 - 5'6 at 101-110 pounds. Edmonton was First Nations. 

Edmonton had black hair with brown eyes. Medically she had extensive dental work with visible decay on her teeth. Then she has three scars, an X on her left wrist and another on her right wrist. 

Edmonton had a pink and white horizontally striped sweat, a white bra, white panties, brown shorts, purple pantyhose, and white running shoes with a blue stripe around the upper edge of the sole. 

There are several face sketches available. 




Jimmy Hoffa vanishes this day https://www.crimemuseum.org/crime-library/cold-cases/jimmy-hoffa/

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