
Small Update In Ashley Martinez Case Endangered Runaway

 UPDATE in the Ashley Martinez Case*

This is a possible game-changer for Ashley's case depending on your perception and if you need a detailed re-cap here is my write-up links:

The update comes in the form of a previous suspect's family the Harts who bring forth an affidavit.
and it starts with this article of the St. Joseph Missouri News-Press now.

To paraphrase all that has been written in the news D.C. a former school administrator at Robidoux Middle School filled an affidavit stating that she had seen Ashley with a tall African-American man on Frederick Street and Leonard Road. turned north onto Leonard and Ashley had waved at her. The witness was sure it was her and said she saw her again walking west down Federick and across the highway bridge. They said they called authorities after the sighting. The news-press were able to verify the affidavit but were unable to find out if the police had known about it then or now. The affidavit was signed April 6th of 2009 nearly five years after the disappearance but the sighting was supposed to have been in 2004 the fall.

(It's a wild read)

To paraphrase what had been written in the affidavit it's written from the perspective of I believe Hart's mother who's name I shall shorten to J.H. According to J.H. she took on Hart's son D.H and tried to enroll him in a private school due to the difficultly he was having with the notoriety of his father. The Principal was D.C the person who made the statement about seeing Ashley. Once D.C. realized who she was talking with she tells J.H. about the sighting. J.H. didn't talk to anyone about this conversation because she didn't want to raise hopes with D.C. or ruin any police investigations in case they were investigating someone on the sly. Around 08-09, Chris is found and informed of the statement of D.C. and he requests his attorney to get an affidavit. J.H. asks Hart not to make a media circus and asks him to keep things quiet so his son can have less difficulty.

Hart's son began going down the same lifestyle as his father and in 2014 after suffering severe mental health issues and drug issues come home high talking about Southend Mexican Cartel's and how he was friends with Ashley Martinez's brother. According to him, Ashley had died in some field after an overdose at a party near her home.

Hart tried to save his son but both succumb to a drug lifestyle and go in and out of prison.
During this time the cousin, Julie who gave the news an interview and story about Ashley leaving with Hart comes up. According to this article though Julie wasn't his cousin but neice of Hart's stepmother. The detectives interviewed J.H's sister and the sister told them about J.H. and the affidavit but they never contacted her. J.H. goes on to mention that D.C.'s husband was at the time C.C. with the prosecuting attorney's office in the Juvenile division. J.H. mentions the affidavit says D.C. said she called the police or the juvenile office to say she saw Ashley.

2019 both Hart and D.H. were released from prison and start using again but this time become hateful with each other. D.H. constantly harassing his father and accusing him of things. Eventually, they had a disagreement that caused D.H. to file charges and refuse to drop them.

In a nutshell, it's a Mother advocating for her son the best way that she can. What can this tell us about this case? I'm going to take some time to reflect but as always I'm open to ideas from you guys. 

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