My brother (The bottom middle is a current photo) |
I don't think I have ever experienced pain and heartbreak as terrible as in the months that followed. I held my brother's bloody hands and cried his name as he lay in the hospital hours after a gunshot wound to the head. I had to help make final decisions for my brother and it still hurts so bad that merely thinking of it makes me tear up. I would not wish this type of pain and trauma on my worst enemies.
Kurt has survived. Gunshot wounds to the head are fatal 90 percent of the time. In 50 percent of cases, they die within the emergency room. Very few go on to lead normal lives. There is so much to the story here but I can say nothing except that it's a miracle. I screamed and cried at my husband "God does not grant miracles like this!" and resolved myself to losing my brother but nearly a year later, after countless surgeries, rehabilitation and so many tears my brother is still alive.
I started writing to every church and prayer group that I could, asking for a prayer for my brother. Yes, even now. My brother's journey is far from over, and he still has a long road of healing ahead. I am hopeful for a full recovery in which he could lead an independent life again.
If you had followed me on my social media or my youtube channel before I stopped talking on there, then you know how much I appreciate privacy. So, by telling you this information, I hope you know how important I feel it is, to share this. Even if a single person prays for my brother by his real name Kurt, then my mission is accomplished. I also hope that at least one person reads his story and does not commit suicide, then his purpose is complete.
Lives are precious, and you don't have to be or do something grand to have a positive impact on the world. Please reach out to me if you need someone to listen or pick up the phone and call the suicide hotline if you feel compelled to hurt yourself and by extension your friends and family. These feelings will pass, and there will be better moments in life to look forward to.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call 1-800-273-8255
Available 24 hours every day
Prayer is the most important gift of all but if you are inclined to send Kurt a gift to help us out that would be nice. He needs comfort items, clothes, and therapy things. Please look at my wishlist for him on Amazon. Right now gifts are sent to me, and I give them to him. Kurt is cared for entirely by my mother with help from family, and his disability income is limited. My mother and stepfather gave up nearly everything to move homes and care for him.
Credit: My wonderful editor Hasmit Uchil
I am sitting here crying, so happy for y'all Kurt survived. Sending prayers and hugs to all.
Thank you so much for the prayers. I'm sorry for the tears. Kurt's still here and working hard at living his life. He's recently gotten a job and wants to try photography!