
Dear Diary: My German Shepherd of Over Ten Years Passed Away...

Dear Diary: My German Shepherd of Over Ten Years Passed Away...

Sage, my beautiful German Shepherd of over 10 years, passed away in our home 11-11-2017 at 1:40 pm. I felt like it was sudden, but looking back, there were plenty of signs that her time was soon. I loved her so much- I was in denial and hoped that she would go to live on even longer. My husband bought her a new bed, a heater, and comfort food the night before. He helped her go outside on her last "walk" that night. She collapsed just a few feet from the house, and he carried her back in. That night, she slept in the living room and did not go back to her usual bed. I laid with her on the ground for a while, but she barely noticed me. Occasionally she licked pumpkin off my fingers or drank water. I had hope even as her breathing slowed. In the morning, we had plans to go out of town, but we had to get her medications first. The way everything worked out was serendipitous. We came home just as she was coming close to passing. How and why we managed to get home just as it was her time I'll never know, except that it was a gift from God. We cried as we made her more comfortable and told her she was a good girl. I prayed to Saint Francis of Assisi to intercede a swift and painless death, as there was no way to travel with her to the vet since it took more than an hour. She wagged her tail at us and was happy when we got her longtime friends, the two cats Thor and Stewie, and brought them to her. We sat with her and petted her until she finally fell back and let go of this world, and she seemed unafraid. I'm still crying. I used to be scared of Sage because she was a big dog but after she protected me from a robber we became really close friends. I miss her noise and company in the house. I cried because the mailman came and she did not bark. I'm crying now because she's usually on top of my feet while I edit and write, but now she’s not. I had nightmares about death and dying the night we lost her- mostly because I'm going through a very real rollercoaster of grief.

Pets can become family, and Sage was definitely part of mine. The loss of a pet is very impactful. I only wish the world could understand the grief and pain that can come with it. The world went on, but our hearts have huge holes in them. Some people have been infinitely kind and understanding, while others have been unable to understand how we could be so emotional about a dog.

I'm not sure I could conceive a decade of love in enough words to explain how much she meant to us and how much it broke my heart into a million pieces to know she was waiting to die until we got home for her to wag her tail at us for one last time.

If you would like to see a few video clips of Sage, please click on the video box below.


Post Editor :LoveandForgive


Pray For Kurt!

My brother (The bottom middle is a current photo) 
Kurt is my younger brother whom I love very much. We are closer than most siblings, but we had to grow up through lots of hardships. On November 11th, 2016 my brother attempted suicide. The details are unclear on as to why he did so, but he was going through a very dark phase. There were a lot of warning signs, but he did not want help. When a grown man refuses to accept support, there is not much to do except try to avoid the inevitable. I wish there were better systems in place for this type of situation. 

I don't think I have ever experienced pain and heartbreak as terrible as in the months that followed. I held my brother's bloody hands and cried his name as he lay in the hospital hours after a gunshot wound to the head. I had to help make final decisions for my brother and it still hurts so bad that merely thinking of it makes me tear up. I would not wish this type of pain and trauma on my worst enemies. 

Kurt has survived. Gunshot wounds to the head are fatal 90 percent of the time. In 50 percent of cases, they die within the emergency room. Very few go on to lead normal lives. There is so much to the story here but I can say nothing except that it's a miracle. I screamed and cried at my husband "God does not grant miracles like this!" and resolved myself to losing my brother but nearly a year later, after countless surgeries, rehabilitation and so many tears my brother is still alive. 

I started writing to every church and prayer group that I could, asking for a prayer for my brother. Yes, even now. My brother's journey is far from over, and he still has a long road of healing ahead. I am hopeful for a full recovery in which he could lead an independent life again. 

If you had followed me on my social media or my youtube channel before I stopped talking on there, then you know how much I appreciate privacy. So, by telling you this information, I hope you know how important I feel it is, to share this. Even if a single person prays for my brother by his real name Kurt, then my mission is accomplished. I also hope that at least one person reads his story and does not commit suicide, then his purpose is complete. 

Lives are precious, and you don't have to be or do something grand to have a positive impact on the world. Please reach out to me if you need someone to listen or pick up the phone and call the suicide hotline if you feel compelled to hurt yourself and by extension your friends and family. These feelings will pass, and there will be better moments in life to look forward to. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call 1-800-273-8255
Available 24 hours every day

Prayer is the most important gift of all but if you are inclined to send Kurt a gift to help us out that would be nice. He needs comfort items, clothes, and therapy things. Please look at my wishlist for him on Amazon.  Right now gifts are sent to me, and I give them to him. Kurt is cared for entirely by my mother with help from family, and his disability income is limited. My mother and stepfather gave up nearly everything to move homes and care for him.

Credit: My wonderful editor Hasmit Uchil 


Buzzfeed Unsolved Might Be Reincarnated Houdini and Arther Canon Doyle

'Buzzfeed Unsolved' stars Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej might be the reincarnated Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Houdini and Doyle had a passionate friendship that revolved around ghosts and mysteries. This relationship uncannily resembles the relationship that Ryan Bergara and Shane have today.
Ryan Bergara like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wholeheartedly believes in Spiritualism. Both these men are known to be researchers and writers with interests in real crime and occult.

Houdini on left and Doyle on right
Both men had a connection to oceanic ships and mysteries. Ryan first started his journey into mysticism when he encountered the "toothpaste" ghost on the 'Queen Mary' thus beginning his career into the unsolved where he outlines theories on the popular phenomenon. Doyle  was working as a ship surgeon when he wrote the fascinating ghost theory about  'Mary Celeste' in the form of a short story titled "J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement."

Ryan and Doyle both had a role in influencing a revival of interest in ghosts. The Youtube show 'Buzzfeed Unsolved' has piqued the interest of many in the existence of an afterlife which subsequently led the #Boogara fans to firmly believe that there must be something on the other side. Similarly, Doyle stirred the public into an interest in the occult after world war I when he lost many family members to the war. Doyle began lecturing on spiritualism, wrote books and ultimately became famous for advocating the movement. Doyle like Ryan sometimes acknowledged the existence of frauds and fakes but chose to instead focus on the truth of the subject.

Shane Madej like Harry Houdini, a firm believer in Spiritualism failed to find compelling evidence that could prove the existence of an afterlife and ghosts. Both these men were interested in real crime and the occult and were proficient in showmanship, writing, traveling and even video production.
Both men were frustrated with the rampant fraud in the popular views of Spiritualism. They both spent their time debunking myths and finding rational explanations for ghosts and other supernatural phenomena. In the cases of both men, this was met with contempt from the public who were inclined to believe in ghosts.
Houdini and Shane both struggled to maintain their friendships with friends who had a firm belief in ghosts but kept doing so in hopes that perhaps real evidence would surface along the way. Occasionally they would gently prod their friends with science and facts but to no avail.

Shane on left and Ryan on right
Eventually, Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle broke off their friendship when Doyle coerced his wife to do an apparently fake seance featuring Harry's beloved mother. The 'Written note' that was provided as proof and claimed to be that of Harry's mother was in perfect English, had Christian overtones and other mistakes. Harry's mother, however, did not speak English as her first language and was Jewish. Harry was distraught that his friend would try and fool him like that and Doyle was hurt that Harry would not believe him. They spent the rest of their years arguing through public articles and being harshly critical of each other. Neither changed their respective positions through the years.

Will we see a repeat of history here and will Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej have a similar end in friendship? Do you think they are the reincarnated versions of Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle destined to endlessly debate their ideas and viewpoints?
(Did you like my crazy conspiracy theory? I think I need to put a clause here that states that I am a firm #shaniac and my idea here is purely a fun idea. It's all fun coincidence but there is no firm evidence that these two are reincarnated in any way. Though maybe this is why Ryan is so angry about Shane's height. Ryan used to be taller in the past life!)



My editor: Hasmit Uchil 

Artwork by myself 

Seeking Answers: The Stephanie Wasilishin Tragedy (Sedona Arizona, 1993)

  Content Warning: This case has sensitive information, graphic descriptions, and mentions of domestic violence and suicide. Your health com...